@Book{OL4094839M, title: {The Shock of the new}, author: {Robert Hughes}, publisher: {Knopf}, year: {1981}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL22229045M, title: {Metropolis}, author: {Thea von Harbou}, publisher: {Gregg Press}, year: {1975}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL21091992M, title: {The technological society}, author: {Jacques Ellul}, publisher: {Vintage}, year: {1964}, place: {New York, NY}, } @Book{OL9233074M, title: {Bradbury Stories}, author: {Ray Bradbury}, publisher: {Perennial}, year: {2007}, } @Book{OL966328M, title: {A history of reading}, author: {Alberto Manguel}, publisher: {Viking}, year: {1996}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1008074M, title: {The religion of technology}, author: {David Franklin Noble}, publisher: {A.A. Knopf}, year: {1997}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL17192783M, title: {Flowers for Algernon}, author: {Daniel Keyes}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1972}, place: {Toronto}, } @Book{OL24260475M, title: {Amusing Ourselves to Death}, author: {Neil Postman and Neil Postman}, publisher: {Penguin USA, Inc.}, year: {2009}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7223131M, title: {Tom Swift and his war tank}, author: {Victor Appleton}, publisher: {Grosset \& Dunlap}, year: {1918}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2409154M, title: {In the age of the smart machine}, author: {Shoshana Zuboff}, publisher: {Basic Books}, year: {1988}, place: {New York}, } @Work{OL496476W, title: {On photography}, author: {Susan Sontag}, first_publish_year: {1977} } @Work{OL52267W, title: {The Time Machine}, author: {H.G. Wells}, first_publish_year: {1895} } @Work{OL17365W, title: {2001}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, first_publish_year: {1968} } @Work{OL1906743W, title: {The Victorian Internet}, author: {Tom Standage}, first_publish_year: {1998} } @Work{OL4988685W, title: {In the Age of the Smart Machine}, author: {Shoshana Zuboff}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Work{OL2869043W, title: {Future shock}, author: {Alvin Toffler}, first_publish_year: {1801} } @Work{OL103163W, title: {Bradbury Stories}, author: {Ray Bradbury}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL7966631W, title: {The Best of H G Wells}, author: {H.G. Wells}, first_publish_year: {2005} } @Work{OL69415W, title: {Advancement of learning, and The new Atlantis}, author: {Francis Bacon}, first_publish_year: {1906} } @Work{OL3581438W, title: {Tom Swift and His Wireless Message}, author: {Victor Appleton}, first_publish_year: {1911} } @Work{OL8838695W, title: {Jules Verne's 20,000 leagues under the sea}, author: {Carl Bowen}, first_publish_year: {2008} } @Work{OL3581439W, title: {Tom Swift and His Airship}, author: {Howard Roger Garis}, first_publish_year: {1910} } @Work{OL16099873W, title: {Aldous Huxley's Brave new world}, author: {Harold Bloom}, first_publish_year: {1996} } @Work{OL2981506W, title: {Looking Backward, 2000-1887}, author: {Edward Bellamy}, first_publish_year: {1888} } @Work{OL3581398W, title: {Tom Swift and his submarine boat}, author: {Victor Appleton}, first_publish_year: {1910} } @Work{OL137899W, title: {Building a Bridge to the 18th Century}, author: {Neil Postman}, first_publish_year: {1999} } @Work{OL16048736W, title: {Faust}, author: {Johann Wolfgang von Goethe}, first_publish_year: {1997} } @Work{OL6409870W, title: {The shock of the new}, author: {Dunlop, Ian}, first_publish_year: {1972} } @Work{OL3581431W, title: {Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship}, author: {Victor Appleton}, first_publish_year: {1915} } @Author{OL605044A, name: {Victor Appleton}, }