@Book{OL2743235M, title: {The Story and its writer}, author: {Ann Charters and Margaret Atwood and Ambrose Bierce and Jorge Luis Borges and Ray Bradbury and Anton Chekhov}, publisher: {St. Martin's Press}, year: {1987}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2042471M, title: {Crown of stars}, author: {James Tiptree, Jr.}, publisher: {T. Doherty Associates}, year: {1988}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL52004M, title: {Meet me at infinity}, author: {James Tiptree, Jr.}, publisher: {Tor}, year: {2000}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1430238M, title: {Life after God}, author: {Douglas Coupland}, publisher: {Pocket Books}, year: {1994}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL6077454M, title: {Modern short stories by American authors}, author: {Robert James Dixson}, publisher: {Regents Pub. Co.}, year: {1950}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24935915M, title: {Ten thousand light-years from home}, author: {James Tiptree, Jr.}, publisher: {Eyre Methuen}, year: {1975}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL16973419M, title: {The influence of Tennessee Williams}, author: {Philip C. Kolin}, publisher: {McFarland \& Co.}, year: {2008}, place: {Jefferson, N.C}, } @Book{OL2865875M, title: {The essayes or counsels, civill and morall}, author: {Francis Bacon}, publisher: {Harvard University Press}, year: {1985}, place: {Cambridge, Mass}, } @Book{OL3569045M, title: {Nothing that meets the eye}, author: {Patricia Highsmith}, publisher: {Norton}, year: {2002}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL3559287M, title: {Step across this line}, author: {Salman Rushdie}, publisher: {Random House}, year: {2002}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL16267680M, title: {Out of the Everywhere, and Other Extraordinary Visions}, author: {James Tiptree, Jr.}, publisher: {Ballantine}, year: {1981}, place: {New York, NY}, } @Book{OL7941144M, title: {The Collected Writings of Ambrose Bierce}, author: {Ambrose Bierce}, publisher: {Citadel}, year: {1979}, place: {Seacaucus, NJ, USA}, } @Book{OL37044560M, title: {Short Fiction}, author: {Ray Bradbury}, publisher: {Standard Ebooks}, year: {2021}, } @Book{OL5064331M, title: {Explorers of space}, author: {Robert Silverberg}, publisher: {T. Nelson}, year: {1975}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL6201160M, title: {The Circus of Dr. Lao}, author: {Ray Bradbury and Charles Grandison Finney and Nigel Kneale and E. B. White and Roald Dahl and Shirley Jackson and Nathaniel Hawthorne and Loren Eiseley and Oliver Lafarge and Henry Kuttner and James H. Schmitz and John Seymour and Robert M. Coates}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1956}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL26369740M, title: {Stalin's teardrops : and other stories}, author: {Ian Watson}, publisher: {Gollancz}, year: {1991}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL24476635M, title: {On books and writers}, author: {Matthew Joseph Bruccoli}, publisher: {University of South Carolina Press}, year: {2010}, place: {Columbia}, } @Book{OL7567829M, title: {The Future in Question}, author: {Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander and Edmond Hamilton and Brian W. Aldiss and Mark Clifton and Arthur C. Clarke and Robert Sheckley and Robert Silverberg and Ron Goulart and James Tiptree, Jr. and Kate Wilhelm and Theodore Sturgeon and Alfred Bester and John W. Campbell and Damon Knight and Frederik Pohl and William Tenn and James Blish}, publisher: {Fawcett Crest}, year: {1980}, } @Book{OL24958117M, title: {The Hugo winners}, author: {Isaac Asimov and Fritz Leiber and Theodore Sturgeon and Poul Anderson and Larry Niven and Ursula K. Le Guin and Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth and R. A. Lafferty and James Tiptree, Jr. and Harlan Ellison and George R. R. Martin and Ursula K. Leguin}, publisher: {Doubleday}, year: {1977}, place: {Garden City, N.Y}, } @Book{OL21499260M, title: {Essays of E.B. White}, author: {E. B. White}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL3029645M, title: {Byte beautiful}, author: {James Tiptree, Jr.}, publisher: {Doubleday}, year: {1985}, place: {Garden City, N.Y}, } @Book{OL6429797M, title: {A Subtreasury of American Humor}, author: {E. B. White and Katharine S. White and Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings and Leonard Q. Ross and Frank R. Stockton and Anita Loos and Sinclair Lewis and John Mosher and Edward Streeter and Dorothy Parker and Arthur Kober and Heywood Broun and Mark Twain and Ring Lardner and James Thurber and George Ade and Don Marquis and Ambrose Bierce and Frank Moore Colby and McKelway, St. Clair and Frederic S. Cozzens and Charles Heber Clark and Francis Steegmuller and James T. Fields and Cornelia Otis Skinner and Moffat, Donald W. and Washington Irving and Orpheus C. Kerr and James Russell Lowell and V. Petroleum Nasby and Finley Peter Dunne and James M. Cain and Frank Sullivan and Eugene Field and Robert C. Benchley and Donald Ogden Stewart and Franklin P. Adams and Wolcott Gibbs and Corey Ford and Nunnally Johnson and Bret Harte and S. J. Perelman and Lucretia P. Hale and Sally Benson and Booth Tarkington and Ogden Nash and Clifford Orr and Artemus Ward (Charles Farrar Browne) and Benjamin Franklin and H. L. Mencken and Day, Clarence and Kenneth Fearing and E. E. Cummings and Russell Maloney and Geoffrey Hellman and Marc Connelly and Joel Chandler Harris and M and Glen Rounds and A. J. Liebling and George W. Harris and Alfred Henry Lewis and Roark Bradford and Frances Warfield and Morris Bishop and Nathaniel Parker Willis and Billings, Josh and Oliver Herford and Will Cuppy and Alexander Woolcott and Clifton Fadiman and Edgar Allan Poe and Persis Greely Anderson and Phyllis McGinley and Nathan, George Jean and Joseph Mitchell and Alva Johnston and Sanderson Vanderbilt and E. J. Kahn Jr. and John McNulty and Angela Cypher and H. C. Bunner and Louis Untermeyer and Irwin Edman and Stephen Vincent Benét and Carolyn Wells and Samuel Hoffenstein and David McCord and Arthur Guiterman and Bert Leston Taylor and Clarence Hollister Knapp and Kenneth Allan Robinson and Oliver Wendell Holmes and Richard Lockridge and Lee Strout White and Ruth Ann McKinney and William Saroyan and Ludwig Bemelmans}, publisher: {Coward-McCann, inc.}, year: {1941}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL13634360M, title: {The writing life}, author: {Annie Dillard}, publisher: {HarperPerennial}, year: {1990}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL25004497M, title: {The Stewart/Colbert effect}, author: {Amarnath Amarasingam}, publisher: {McFarland \& Company, Inc., Publishers}, year: {2011}, place: {Jefferson, N.C}, } @Book{OL27790243M, title: {Writing America into the twenty-first century}, author: {Boyle, Elizabeth (Lecturer) and Anne-Marie Evans}, publisher: {Cambridge Scholars Pub.}, year: {2010}, place: {Newcastle upon Tyne, UK}, } @Book{OL3297577M, title: {The American classics}, author: {Denis Donoghue}, publisher: {Yale University Press}, year: {2005}, place: {New Haven}, } @Book{OL25644197M, title: {Public House}, author: {Alan Black and Luke James and Alan Black}, publisher: {Public House Press}, year: {2004}, place: {Albany, USA}, } @Book{OL721991M, title: {Houston, Houston, do you read?}, author: {James Tiptree, Jr.}, publisher: {Doubleday Book \& Music Clubs]}, year: {1996}, place: {[Garden City, N.Y}, } @Book{OL1078781M, title: {Mid-life confidential}, author: {Dave Marsh and Stephen King and Kathi Kamen Goldmark and Al Cooper and Ridley Pearson and Roy Blount Jr. and Joel Selvin and Amy Tan and Dave Barry and Tad Bartimus and Matt Groening and Greil Marcus and Tabitha King and Barbara Kingsolver and Michael Dorris}, publisher: {Viking}, year: {1994}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24388758M, title: {Microcosmic tales}, author: {Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander and Donald Franson and Norman E. Hartman and Jack Ritchie and Charles E. Fritch and Phyllis Eisenstein and Fredric Brown and Robert Mattingly and Barry N. Malzberg and Jack Dann and George Zebrowski and Charles Sheffield and George H. Smith and Robert F. Decker and Harry Harrison and Richard Wilson and T. E. D. Klein and Richard K. Lyon and Arthur C. Clarke and Patricia Matthews and Alan Brennert and James Tiptree, Jr. and Anthony Boucher and Bob Shaw and Walt Liebscher and Mack Reynolds and A. E. van Vogt and Paul Dellinger and Harlan Ellison and Henry Slesar and Ron Montana and Joanna Russ and Theodore Cogswell and Marcia Martin and Eric Vinicoff and Edward Bryant and Garen Drussaï and William F. Nolan and Helen M. Urban and Robert Silverberg and Alice Laurance and Robert Sheckley and Charles A. Spano Jr. and Craig Strete and Rick Conley and Manly Wade Wellman and Dennis R. Caro and Eric Frank Russell and Robert Payes and Fritz Leiber and Ray Russell and Roberta Ghidalia and Sherwood Springer and Joseph F. Patrouch and Roland J. Green and H. L. Gold and Jan Howard Finder and Ruth Berman and James E. Gunn and Philip José Farmer and Bill Pronzini and Arthur Tofte and F. M. Busby and Paul J. Nahin and James A. Stevens and Rachel Cosgrove Payes and Juleen Brantingham and Maggie Nadler and Lester del Rey and Larry Niven and Edward Wellen}, publisher: {DAW Books}, year: {1992}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL31178537M, title: {Turning the page}, author: {Jeffrey R. Di Leo}, publisher: {Texas Review Press}, year: {2014}, place: {Huntsville, Texas}, } @Book{OL5710152M, title: {The complex vision}, author: {Ray Kytle and William Faulkner and Jack London and Ray Bradbury}, publisher: {Harcourt Brace Jovanovich}, year: {1972}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1873117M, title: {Her smoke rose up forever}, author: {James Tiptree, Jr.}, publisher: {Arkham House}, year: {1990}, place: {[Sauk City, WI]}, } @Book{OL37063632M, title: {Great American Short Stories}, author: {Washington Irving and Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe and Herman Melville and Louisa May Alcott and Mark Twain and Bret Harte and Ambrose Bierce and Henry James and Sarah Orne Jewett and Kate Chopin and Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman and Charles Waddell Chesnutt and Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Edith Wharton and O. Henry and Stephen Crane and Jack London and Willa Cather and Sherwood Anderson and F. Scott Fitzgerald}, publisher: {Fall River Press}, year: {2016}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL6792051M, title: {In fact}, author: {Thomas Mallon}, publisher: {Pantheon Books}, year: {2001}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2378912M, title: {The 120 days of Sodom and other writings}, author: {Marquis de Sade}, publisher: {Grove Press}, year: {1987}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL5453727M, title: {The green flash, and other tales of horror, suspense, and fantasy.}, author: {Joan Aiken}, publisher: {Holt, Rinehart, and Winston}, year: {1971}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL17766974M, title: {Short Stories of America}, author: {Robert L. Ramsay and Bret Harte and Mary Noailles Murfree and Maurice Thompson and Hamlin Garland and Helen Reimensnyder Martin and Francis Hopkinson Smith and Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman and Kate Chopin and Gertrude Atherton and Mary Hartwell Catherwood and James Weber Linn and Jack London and William Allen White and O. Henry and Annie Trumbull Slosson and robert ramsay and Robert L. Ramsay}, publisher: {Houghton Mifflin Co.}, year: {1921}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL37764424M, title: {The collected writings of Ambrose Bierce}, author: {Ambrose Bierce}, publisher: {Citadel Press}, year: {1968}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL5545331M, title: {Reading modern fiction}, author: {Lynskey, Winifred C. and Winifred C., Comp. Lynskey and Anton Chekhov and William Faulkner and F. Scott Fitzgerald and James Joyce and E. B. White}, publisher: {Scribner}, year: {1968}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL26183958M, title: {I Wear The Black Hat Grappling With Villains Real And Imagined}, author: {Chuck Klosterman}, publisher: {Scribner}, year: {2014}, } @Book{OL23107463M, title: {The best American short stories 2008}, author: {Salman Rushdie and Heidi Pitlor and T. Coraghessan Boyle and Kevin Brockmeier and Karen Brown and Katie Chase and Danielle Evans and Allegra Goodman and A. M. Homes and Nicole Krauss and Jonathan Lethem and Rebecca Makkai and Steven Millhauser and Daniyal Mueenuddin and Alice Munro and Miroslav Penkov and Karen Russell and George Saunders and Christine Sneed and Bradford Tice and Mark S. Wisniewski and Tobias Wolff}, publisher: {Houghton Mifflin Co.}, year: {2008}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL3726173M, title: {Word carving}, author: {Moira Farr}, publisher: {Banff Centre Press}, year: {2003}, place: {Banff, AB}, } @Book{OL33139178M, title: {As I see it}, author: {W. W. Stockberger}, publisher: {Designed, set, and printed in the United States Government Printing Office Apprentice School}, year: {1940}, place: {Washington, D.C}, } @Book{OL21769199M, title: {The second tree from the corner.}, author: {E. B. White}, publisher: {Harper}, year: {1954}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL21439048M, title: {The essayes of Montaigne}, author: {Michel de Montaigne}, publisher: {Gibbings}, year: {1906}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL1454951M, title: {Shock Rock}, author: {Jeff Gelb and Stephen King and F. Paul Wilson and David J. Schow and Nancy A. Collins and Ronald Kelly and Don D'ammassa and Graham Masterton and Paul Dale Anderson and Michael Garrett and Brain Hodge and R. Patrick Gates and Rex Miller and Bill Mumy and Peter David and Richard Christian Matheson and Michael Newton and Mark Verheiden and Ray Garton and John L. Byrne and Thomas Tessier and John Shirley}, publisher: {Pocket Books}, year: {1992}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL1718057M, title: {Thief of lives}, author: {Kit Reed}, publisher: {University of Missouri Press}, year: {1992}, place: {Columbia}, } @Book{OL24958738M, title: {Great Tales of Action and Adventure}, author: {George Bennett and Robert S. Lemmon and Carl Stephenson and Gilbert Keith Chesterton and Richard Connell and John Russell and Saki and Edgar Allan Poe and Arthur C. Clarke and William Fryer Harvey and Jack London and C. E. Montague}, publisher: {Laurel Leaf Library/Dell}, year: {1967}, place: {New York, NY, USA}, } @Book{OL27992093M, title: {Best short stories of Jack London}, author: {Jack London}, publisher: {Rivercity Press}, year: {1976}, } @Book{OL7146090M, title: {Revolution, and other essays.}, author: {Jack London}, publisher: {Macillan}, year: {1910}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7140782M, title: {A good soldier}, author: {Jack London}, publisher: {Appeal to Reason}, year: {1915}, place: {Girard, Kan}, } @Book{OL24221983M, title: {Timeless Stories for Today and Tomorrow}, author: {Ray Bradbury and Robert M. Coates and Henry Kuttner and Walter Van Tilburg Clark and Sidney B. Carroll and Ludwig Bemelmans and Shirley Jackson and Christine (Noble) Govan and Helen Eustis and Nigel Kneale and John Keir Cross and John Steinbeck and Josephine Johnson and John B. L. Goodwin and Wessel Hyatt Smitter and Roald Dahl and J C Furnas and Christopher Isherwood and William Sansom and John Cheever and Hortense Calisher and E. B. White and Jean Hrolda and Franz Kafka and Russell Maloney}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1970}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL24952664M, title: {The complete short stories of Mark Twain}, author: {Mark Twain}, publisher: {Doubleday \& Co.}, year: {1957}, place: {Garden City, NY}, } @Book{OL24975470M, title: {Innovative fiction}, author: {Jerome Klinkowitz}, publisher: {Dell}, year: {1972}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7572646M, title: {Prime Evil}, author: {Douglas E. Winter and Stephen King and Paul Hazel and Dennis Etchison and Clive Barker and Thomas Tessier and M. John Harrison and David Morrell and Peter Straub and Charles L. Grant and Thomas Ligotti and Ramsey Campbell and Whitley Strieber and Jack Cady}, publisher: {New American Library}, year: {1989}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL24914208M, title: {20 under 40}, author: {Deborah Treisman}, publisher: {Farrar, Straus and Giroux}, year: {2010}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7520077M, title: {Gone from Home}, author: {Angela Johnson}, publisher: {Laurel Leaf}, year: {2001}, } @Book{OL13573587M, title: {Essays}, author: {Michel de Montaigne}, publisher: {S. Low, Marston, Searle, \& Rivington}, year: {1880}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL16849830M, title: {Essays of Michael Seigneur de Montaigne}, author: {Michel de Montaigne}, publisher: {Printed for S. and E. Ballard, J. Clarke, D. Browne, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, A. Millar, J. Pote, C. Bathurst, B. Barker, T. Payne, T. Waller, W Johnston, S. Crowder, T. Longman, P. Davey and B. Law, C. Corbet, and P. Brindley}, year: {1759}, place: {London}, } @Work{OL20501950W, title: {The Norton Introduction to Fiction--Fourth Edition}, author: {Jerome Beaty and Spencer Holst and Edgar Allan Poe and Ambrose Bierce and William Faulkner and Anton Chekhov and Nathaniel Hawthorne and James Joyce and Alice Munro and Gabriel García Márquez and Jorge Luis Borges and Richard Connell and Kate Chopin and Margaret Atwood}, first_publish_year: {1991} } @Work{OL14863262W, title: {Tales of Soldiers and Civilians [19 stories]}, author: {Ambrose Bierce}, first_publish_year: {1891} } @Work{OL20156925W, title: {Stories for Ways and Means}, author: {Chuck Klosterman and Devendra Banhart and Nick Cave}, first_publish_year: {2019} } @Work{OL16053153W, title: {Exciting Short Stories}, author: {Greta A. Clark and Michael Francis Gilbert and Richard Connell and John D. MacDonald and Carl Stephenson and W. W. Jacobs and Day Keene and James M. Cain}, first_publish_year: {1960} } @Work{OL3151679W, title: {The Ghouls}, author: {Peter Haining and Ray Bradbury and Ambrose Bierce and Richard Connell}, first_publish_year: {1971} } @Work{OL16059784W, title: {Great Tales of Action and Adventure}, author: {George Bennett and Robert S. Lemmon and Carl Stephenson and Gilbert Keith Chesterton and Richard Connell and John Russell and Saki and Edgar Allan Poe and Arthur C. Clarke and William Fryer Harvey and Jack London and C. E. Montague}, first_publish_year: {1959} } @Work{OL170949W, title: {Masterpieces of Adventure}, author: {Louis Morris and Edgar Allan Poe and Richard Connell and Arthur Conan Doyle}, first_publish_year: {1966} } @Work{OL16481148W, title: {Great American Short Stories [34 stories]}, author: {The Editors of The Reader's Digest and F. Scott Fitzgerald and Mark Twain and Jack London and Susan Glaspell and Jesse Stuart and John O'Hara and O. Henry and Ring Lardner and Ernest Hemingway and Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman and John Steinbeck and Edgar Allan Poe and Richard Wright and William Faulkner and Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Walter Van Tilburg Clark and Eudora Welty and Ray Bradbury and Damon Runyon and Marc Connelly and Edith Wharton and Bret Harte and Shirley Ann Grau and Heywood Broun and Henry James and Shirley Jackson and Stephen Crane and John Updike and Pearl S. Buck and Stephen Vincent Benét and Kay Boyle and Herman Melville and John Cheever and Ambrose Bierce and Readers Digest Editors and Richard Connell}, first_publish_year: {1977} } @Work{OL14958405W, title: {The assignation}, author: {Joyce Carol Oates}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Work{OL18166885W, title: {The best American nonrequired reading, 2003}, author: {Dave Eggers and Sherman Alexie and Lynda Barry and Ryan Boudinot and Mark Bowden and Michael Buckley and Judy Budnitz and David Drury (Editor) and Jonathan Safran Foer and Lisa Gabriele and Amanda Holzer and Chuck Klosterman and K. Kvshay-Boyle and Dylan Landis and Andrea Lee and J. T. Leroy and Douglas Light and Nasdijj. and George Packer and ZZ Packer and James Pinkerton and David Sedaris and Jason Stella and John Verbos and Daniel Voll}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL1833990W, title: {American science fiction and fantasy writers}, author: {Claire L. Datnow}, first_publish_year: {1999} } @Author{OL219598A, name: {Claire L. Datnow}, }