@Book{OL5877489M, title: {Favorite fairy tales told in Poland}, author: {Virginia Haviland}, publisher: {Little, Brown and Co.}, year: {1963}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL6247024M, title: {The undiscovered self.}, author: {Carl Gustav Jung}, publisher: {Little, Brown}, year: {1958}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL23253288M, title: {The painted bird}, author: {Jerzy N. Kosinski}, publisher: {Houghton Mifflin}, year: {1976}, place: {Boston}, } @Work{OL64468W, title: {Brave New World}, author: {Aldous Huxley}, first_publish_year: {1932} } @Work{OL1870518W, title: {Pedagogy of the Oppressed}, author: {Paulo Freire}, first_publish_year: {1970} } @Author{OL223954A, name: {Paulo Freire}, birth_date: {19 September 1921} , death_date: {2 May 1997} }