@Book{OL35331271M, title: {Mail Order Bride}, author: {Levanah Lloyd}, publisher: {Macdonald Futura}, year: {1981}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL11273498M, title: {Phantom love}, author: {Sonya T. Pelton}, publisher: {Zebra}, year: {1982}, } @Book{OL7647599M, title: {Sweet Bondage}, author: {Dorothy Vernon}, publisher: {Silhouette Books}, year: {1982}, } @Book{OL10257032M, title: {The Seas of Fortune}, author: {Simon McKay}, publisher: {Ace Books}, year: {1983}, } @Book{OL24934908M, title: {Tempest}, author: {Sandra DuBay}, publisher: {Dorchester Pub. Co.}, year: {1989}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7433560M, title: {Passion's Honor}, author: {Diane Wicker Davis}, publisher: {Avon Books}, year: {1987}, } @Book{OL11550895M, title: {Daughters of Desire}, author: {Serita Stevens}, publisher: {Leisure Books (Mm)}, year: {1987}, } @Author{OL715660A, name: {Serita Stevens}, birth_date: {1949} }