@Book{OL24878266M, title: {The conquest of bread}, author: {Peter Kropotkin}, publisher: {AK Press}, year: {2008}, place: {Oakland, CA}, } @Book{OL51055344M, title: {Palestine Laboratory}, author: {Antony Loewenstein}, publisher: {Verso Books}, year: {2024}, } @Book{OL27322193M, title: {Permanent Record}, author: {Edward Snowden}, publisher: {Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt and Company}, year: {2019}, } @Book{OL24611852M, title: {Capitalist Realism}, author: {Mark Fisher}, publisher: {Zero Books}, year: {2009}, } @Book{OL27210498M, title: {Nonviolent communication}, author: {Marshall B. Rosenberg}, publisher: {PuddleDancer Press}, year: {2015}, } @Work{OL11649843W, title: {For your own good}, author: {Alice Miller}, first_publish_year: {1983} } @Work{OL2983646W, title: {Anarchism and Other Essays}, author: {Emma Goldman and Emma Gold and Emma Goldman}, first_publish_year: {1910} } @Work{OL277280W, title: {Feminism Is for Everybody}, author: {Bell Hooks and Amaia Apalauza Ollo}, first_publish_year: {2000} } @Work{OL2709370W, title: {Are Prisons Obsolete?}, author: {Angela Y. Davis and Aurora Ballester}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL31013W, title: {Manufacturing consent}, author: {Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman and John Pruden and Edward Herman}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Work{OL15683250W, title: {Capitalist Realism}, author: {Mark Fisher}, first_publish_year: {2009} } @Work{OL2652815W, title: {Trauma and recovery}, author: {Judith Lewis Herman and Herman, Judith, M.D. and Alison Mathews and Judith Lewis Herman}, first_publish_year: {1992} } @Work{OL18147687W, title: {The Body Keeps the Score}, author: {Bessel A. Van Der Kolk}, first_publish_year: {2014} } @Work{OL31111W, title: {All About Love}, author: {Bell Hooks}, first_publish_year: {2000} } @Work{OL16162361W, title: {Gaza in crisis}, author: {Ilan Pappé and Noam Chomsky}, first_publish_year: {2010} } @Work{OL11668050W, title: {The protest psychosis}, author: {Jonathan Michel Metzl}, first_publish_year: {2010} } @Work{OL31107W, title: {killing rage}, author: {Bell Hooks}, first_publish_year: {1995} } @Work{OL20825426W, title: {Beyond Survival}, author: {Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha and Ejeris Dixon}, first_publish_year: {2020} } @Work{OL34556222W, title: {The Myth of Normal}, } @Work{OL19735566W, title: {The End of Policing}, author: {Alex S. Vitale}, first_publish_year: {2017} } @Work{OL3355185W, title: {The Gift of Fear}, author: {Gavin De Becker}, first_publish_year: {1997} } @Work{OL8299076W, title: {When the Body Says No}, author: {Gabor Maté}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL2983645W, title: {My Disillusionment in Russia}, author: {Emma Goldman}, first_publish_year: {1923} } @Work{OL15178721W, title: {Anatomy of an Epidemic}, author: {Robert Whitaker}, first_publish_year: {2010} } @Work{OL22297516W, title: {See What You Made Me Do}, } @Work{OL18180685W, title: {Thou shalt not be aware}, author: {Alice Miller}, first_publish_year: {1998} } @Work{OL19663391W, title: {Mad in America}, author: {Robert Whitaker}, first_publish_year: {2010} } @Work{OL13752855W, title: {The Drama of the Gifted Child}, author: {Alice Miller}, first_publish_year: {1981} } @Author{OL224269A, name: {Alice Miller}, birth_date: {12 January 1923} , death_date: {14 April 2010} }