@Book{OL7647901M, title: {Cosmic Trigger}, author: {Robert Anton Wilson}, publisher: {Pocket}, year: {1982}, } @Book{OL1126534M, title: {Cosmic Trigger}, author: {Robert Anton Wilson}, publisher: {New Falcon Publications.}, year: {1995}, place: {Tempe, Ariz}, } @Book{OL22562498M, title: {Prometheus rising}, author: {Robert Anton Wilson}, publisher: {New Falcon Publications}, year: {1997}, place: {Tempe}, } @Book{OL8673496M, title: {The Illuminatus! Trilogy}, author: {Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea}, publisher: {MJF Books}, year: {1998}, } @Book{OL24200220M, title: {Angel tech}, author: {Antero Alli}, publisher: {Falcon Press}, year: {1986}, place: {Phoenix, Ariz}, } @Book{OL8964708M, title: {Principia Discordia - The Magnum Opiate of Malaclypse the Younger}, author: {Robert Anton Wilson and Malaclypse the Younger. and Kerry W. Thornley and Greg H. Hill and Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst}, publisher: {Exposure Publishing}, year: {2007}, } @Author{OL216556A, name: {Robert Anton Wilson}, birth_date: {18. Januar 1932} , death_date: {11. Januar 2007} } @Author{OL290642A, name: {Malaclypse the Younger.}, } @Author{OL1014148A, name: {Kerry W. Thornley}, birth_date: {1938} } @Author{OL7820294A, name: {Greg H. Hill}, } @Author{OL3085967A, name: {Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst}, }