@Book{OL9412667M, title: {White Oleander}, author: {Fitch, Janet}, publisher: {Little, Brown and Company}, year: {2001}, } @Book{OL26644955M, title: {Dark places}, author: {Gillian Flynn}, publisher: {Shaye Areheart Books}, year: {2009}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1222510M, title: {Angry Women}, author: {Andrea Juno and V. Vale}, publisher: {RE/Search Publications}, year: {1991}, place: {San Francisco, USA}, } @Work{OL8679879W, title: {Junko Mizuno'S Hansel And Gretel}, author: {Junko Mizuno}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL8679878W, title: {Junko Mizuno's Cinderalla}, author: {Junko Mizuno}, first_publish_year: {2002} } @Work{OL8679882W, title: {Princess mermaid}, author: {Junko Mizuno}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL2716158W, title: {Exquisite corpse}, author: {Poppy Z. Brite}, first_publish_year: {1996} } @Work{OL2716182W, title: {Love in Vein}, author: {Poppy Z. Brite}, first_publish_year: {1994} } @Work{OL573448W, title: {Black Hole}, author: {Charles Burns}, first_publish_year: {2005} } @Work{OL3368288W, title: {The Giving Tree}, author: {Shel Silverstein}, first_publish_year: {1964} } @Work{OL81628W, title: {The Gunslinger}, author: {King, Stephen}, first_publish_year: {1976} } @Work{OL280307W, title: {Grendel}, author: {John Gardner and John Gardner}, first_publish_year: {1971} } @Work{OL1651036W, title: {Grendel}, author: {Matt Wagner and Pat McEown}, first_publish_year: {1986} } @Work{OL2373303W, title: {Enigma (DC Comics Vertigo)}, author: {Peter Milligan}, first_publish_year: {1995} } @Work{OL483558W, title: {My education}, author: {William S. Burroughs}, first_publish_year: {1995} } @Work{OL8728310W, title: {Industrial Culture Handbook}, author: {Andrea Juno and V. Vale}, first_publish_year: {1983} } @Work{OL2716172W, title: {The Crow}, author: {Poppy Z. Brite}, first_publish_year: {1999} } @Work{OL457837W, title: {Clive Barker's A-Z of horror}, author: {Clive Barker}, first_publish_year: {1997} } @Work{OL7917961W, title: {Clubland}, author: {Frank Owen}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL8679883W, title: {Pure Trance}, author: {Junko Mizuno}, first_publish_year: {2005} } @Work{OL2716179W, title: {Wormwood}, author: {Poppy Z. Brite}, first_publish_year: {1994} } @Work{OL102105W, title: {Poltergeist}, author: {Colin Wilson}, first_publish_year: {1981} } @Work{OL1161316W, title: {L'existentialisme est un humanisme}, author: {Jean-Paul Sartre}, first_publish_year: {1957} } @Work{OL2716181W, title: {Are You Loathsome Tonight?}, author: {Poppy Z. Brite}, first_publish_year: {1998} } @Work{OL8312015W, title: {Disco bloodbath}, author: {James St. James}, first_publish_year: {1999} } @Work{OL102101W, title: {Written in blood}, author: {Colin Wilson}, first_publish_year: {1989} } @Work{OL2257392W, title: {Toxic gumbo}, author: {Lydia Lunch}, first_publish_year: {1998} } @Work{OL258131W, title: {Junky}, author: {William S. Burroughs}, first_publish_year: {1994} } @Work{OL8589389W, title: {The maxx}, author: {Sam Keith}, first_publish_year: {1996} } @Author{OL2885441A, name: {Sam Keith}, }