@Book{OL26664106M, title: {España partida en dos}, author: {Julián Casanova}, publisher: {Crítica}, year: {2013}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL9136222M, title: {La República española y la guerra civil, 1931-1939}, author: {Gabriel Jackson}, publisher: {Crítica}, year: {1979}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL13230813M, title: {Atlas ilustrado de la guerra civil española}, author: {Jesús de Andrés Sanz and Jesús Cuéllar Menezo}, publisher: {Susaeta}, year: {2005}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL26381269M, title: {Soldados de Salamina}, author: {Javier Cercas and Javier Cercas}, publisher: {Cátedra}, year: {2017}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL26294378M, title: {Arms for Spain}, author: {Gerald Howson}, publisher: {St. Martin's Press}, year: {1999}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2049962M, title: {The Lincoln Brigade}, author: {William Loren Katz and Marc Crawford}, publisher: {Atheneum}, year: {1989}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL27111893M, title: {Breve historia de la guerra civil española}, author: {Íñigo Bolinaga}, publisher: {Nowtilus}, year: {2009}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL25882092M, title: {La Guerra Civil contada a los jóvenes}, author: {Arturo Pérez-Reverte}, publisher: {Alfaguara}, year: {2015}, place: {Madrid, Spain}, } @Book{OL3800189M, title: {Cantos y poemas de la Guerra Civil de España}, author: {Joan Llarch}, publisher: {Producciones}, year: {1978}, place: {Barcelona, Spain}, } @Book{OL4796179M, title: {Anti-Caballero}, author: {Gabriel Mario de Coca}, publisher: {Ediciones del Centro}, year: {1975}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL13963409M, title: {Diccionario de la guerra civil española, 1}, author: {Manuel Rubio Cabeza}, publisher: {Planeta}, year: {1987}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL7274168M, title: {Images of the Spanish Civil War}, author: {Raymond Carr}, publisher: {HarperCollins Publishers Ltd}, year: {1986}, } @Book{OL2308386M, title: {Canciones populares de la Guerra Civil}, author: {Luis Díaz Viana}, publisher: {Taurus}, year: {1985}, place: {Madrid, Spain}, } @Book{OL13283323M, title: {Romancero de la guera civil española}, author: {Gonzalo Santonja}, publisher: {Visor}, year: {1984}, place: {Madrid, Spain}, } @Book{OL3945915M, title: {The Spanish Civil War}, author: {Hugh Thomas and Hugh Thomas and Hugh Thomas}, publisher: {Modern Library}, year: {2001}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL15502717M, title: {Spain Betrayed}, author: {Ronald Radosh and Mary R. Habeck and Grigory Sevostianov}, publisher: {Yale University Press}, year: {2001}, place: {New Haven [Conn.]}, } @Book{OL31742204M, title: {Largo Caballero}, author: {Juan Francisco Fuentes}, publisher: {Síntesis}, year: {2005}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL1199244M, title: {La última salida de Manuel Azaña}, author: {Federico Jiménez Losantos}, publisher: {Planeta}, year: {1994}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL2740415M, title: {The Spanish Civil War}, author: {Paul Preston}, publisher: {Grove Press}, year: {1986}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL26392426M, title: {Historia mínima de la Guerra Civil española}, author: {Enrique Moradiellos}, publisher: {Turner}, year: {2016}, place: {Madrid, Spain}, } @Book{OL30802013M, title: {Sobre la autonomía política de Cataluña}, author: {Manuel Azaña}, publisher: {Tecnos}, year: {2005}, place: {Madrid, España}, } @Book{OL3306532M, title: {Anarchism, the Republic, and Civil War in Spain, 1931-1939}, author: {Julián Casanova}, publisher: {Routledge}, year: {2005}, place: {London, United Kingdom}, } @Book{OL10316572M, title: {The Battle for Spain}, author: {Antony Beevor and Gonzalo Pontón}, publisher: {Weidenfeld \& Nicolson}, year: {2006}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL3466723M, title: {Una historia de la Guerra Civil que no va a gustar a nadie}, author: {Juan Eslava Galán}, publisher: {Planeta}, year: {2005}, place: {Barcelona, España}, } @Book{OL28684688M, title: {El holocausto español}, author: {Paul Preston}, publisher: {Debate}, year: {2011}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL23957030M, title: {El ángel rojo}, author: {Alfonso Domingo}, publisher: {Almuzara Editorial}, year: {2009}, place: {Córdoba}, } @Book{OL13262916M, title: {El exilio republicano de 1939}, author: {Francisco Caudet}, publisher: {Cátedra}, year: {2005}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL14555146M, title: {República y guerra en España, 1931-1939}, author: {Santos Juliá}, publisher: {Espasa}, year: {2006}, place: {Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid}, } @Book{OL3407600M, title: {The Collapse of the Spanish Republic, 1933-1936}, author: {Stanley G. Payne}, publisher: {Yale University Press}, year: {2006}, place: {New Haven}, } @Book{OL13360747M, title: {La Guerra Civil}, author: {Paul Preston}, publisher: {La Esfera de los Libros}, year: {2005}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL31153430M, title: {El tesoro del «Vita»}, author: {Francisco Gracia Alonso and Gloria Munilla}, publisher: {Universitat de Barcelona}, year: {2013}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL25282996M, title: {The Spanish Civil War}, author: {Stanley G. Payne}, publisher: {Cambridge University Press}, year: {2012}, place: {Cambridge [England]}, } @Book{OL31443381M, title: {Volver a las trincheras}, author: {Alfredo González Ruibal}, publisher: {Alianza}, year: {2016}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL37464734M, title: {¿Quién quiso la guerra civil?}, author: {Ángel Viñas}, publisher: {Critica}, year: {2019}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL7260582M, title: {A Concise History of the Spanish Civil War}, author: {Paul Preston}, publisher: {Fontana Press}, year: {1996}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL30570942M, title: {Línea de fuego}, author: {Arturo Pérez-Reverte}, publisher: {Alfaguara}, year: {2020}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL25292571M, title: {Crónicas de la Guerra Civil}, author: {Manuel Chaves Nogales}, publisher: {Espuela de Plata}, year: {2011}, place: {Sevilla}, } @Book{OL32797991M, title: {Franco en la guerra civil}, author: {Javier Tusell}, publisher: {Tusquets}, year: {2006}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL26927856M, title: {Homage to Catalonia}, author: {George Orwell}, publisher: {Mariner Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt}, year: {2015}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL5137044M, title: {La vida cotidiana durante la guerra civil}, author: {Rafael Abella}, publisher: {Planeta}, year: {1973}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL25874362M, title: {Réquiem por un campesino español}, author: {Ramón J. Sender}, publisher: {Destino}, year: {2010}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL31192170M, title: {Escritos sobre la guerra en España}, author: {Manuel Azaña}, publisher: {Crítica}, year: {2014}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL38581069M, title: {Málaga en llamas}, author: {Gamel Woolsey}, publisher: {Temas de hoy}, year: {1998}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL4971766M, title: {La vida cotidiana durante la guerra civil}, author: {Rafael Abella}, publisher: {Planeta}, year: {1975}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL40233746M, title: {A ras de suelo}, author: {Michael Seidman}, publisher: {Alianza}, year: {2003}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL4449947M, title: {La destrucción de la democracia en España}, author: {Paul Preston}, publisher: {Ediciones Turner}, year: {1978}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL26575263M, title: {El laberinto español}, author: {Gerald Brenan}, publisher: {Plaza \& Janés Editores}, year: {1984}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL39218448M, title: {Crónicas de la Guerra Civil}, author: {Wenceslao Fernández Flórez}, publisher: {Ediciones 98}, year: {2022}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL32327177M, title: {Azaña}, author: {Josefina Carabias}, publisher: {Seix Barral}, year: {2021}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL37765814M, title: {Retrato de un desconocido}, author: {Cipriano Rivas Cherif}, publisher: {Reino de Cordelia}, year: {2021}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL39476016M, title: {Juan Negrín}, author: {Gabriel Jackson}, publisher: {Crítica}, year: {2008}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL1600023M, title: {Epistolario Prieto-Negrín}, author: {Indalecio Prieto}, publisher: {Fundación Indalecio Prieto}, year: {1990}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL9810442M, title: {Guerra y vicisitudes de los españoles}, author: {Julián Zugazagoitia}, publisher: {Tusquets Editores}, year: {2001}, } @Book{OL1614426M, title: {Manuel Azaña, una biografía política}, author: {Santos Juliá}, publisher: {Alianza}, year: {1990}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL30727212M, title: {La Guerra Civil}, author: {Julián Marías}, publisher: {Fórcola Ediciones}, year: {2012}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL26312656M, title: {Adiós al porvenir}, author: {Manuel Azaña}, publisher: {Media Vaca}, year: {2015}, place: {Valencia}, } @Book{OL26491438M, title: {Causas de la guerra de España}, author: {Manuel Azaña}, publisher: {Crítica}, year: {2002}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL26575833M, title: {In Place of Splendour}, author: {Constancia de la Mora}, publisher: {London}, year: {1940}, place: {Michael Joseph}, } @Book{OL21856126M, title: {La forja de un rebelde}, author: {Arturo Barea}, publisher: {Turner}, year: {1977}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL9395526M, title: {No fue posible la paz}, author: {José María Gil Robles}, publisher: {Ariel}, year: {2006}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL24975967M, title: {Por quién doblan las campanas}, author: {Ernest Hemingway}, publisher: {Diana}, year: {1952}, place: {México}, } @Book{OL25104377M, title: {Arcadia en llamas}, author: {Francisco Chica}, publisher: {Espuela de Plata}, year: {2011}, place: {Sevilla}, } @Book{OL22491550M, title: {El reñidero de Europa}, author: {Enrique Moradiellos}, publisher: {Península}, year: {2001}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL13323863M, title: {Diarios completos}, author: {Manuel Azaña}, publisher: {Critica}, year: {2004}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL39213262M, title: {La Revolución española vista por una republicana}, author: {Clara Campoamor}, publisher: {Espuela de Plata}, year: {2005}, place: {Sevilla}, } @Book{OL5422771M, title: {A Concise History of the Spanish Civil War}, author: {Gabriel Jackson}, publisher: {John Day Co.}, year: {1974}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL22748747M, title: {A pesar de todo dibujan...}, author: {Gabriel Jackson}, publisher: {Biblioteca Nacional}, year: {2006}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL39213316M, title: {Rojo y azul}, author: {Ricardo Recio Cardona}, publisher: {Almena}, year: {1999}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL2464357M, title: {Diccionario de la guerra civil española, 2}, author: {Manuel Rubio Cabeza}, publisher: {Planeta}, year: {1987}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL19395453M, title: {They Still Draw Pictures!}, author: {Aldous Huxley}, publisher: {Spanish Child Welfare Association of America for the American Friends Service Committee (Quakers)}, year: {1938}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL26695238M, title: {La velada en Benicarló}, author: {Manuel Azaña}, publisher: {Castalia}, year: {1974}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL25678294M, title: {A sangre y fuego}, author: {Manuel Chaves Nogales}, publisher: {Libros del Asteroide}, year: {2013}, place: {Barcelona}, } @Book{OL25628967M, title: {El crimen de la carretera Málaga-Almería (febrero 1937)}, author: {Norman Bethune and Jesús Majada Neila}, publisher: {Caligrama Ediciones}, year: {2004}, place: {Rute, Córdoba, Spain}, } @Author{OL44131A, name: {Norman Bethune}, birth_date: {4 Mar 1890} , death_date: {12 Nov 1939} } @Author{OL7227952A, name: {Jesús Majada Neila}, }