@Book{OL13582898M, title: {The cat in the hat comes back!}, author: {Dr. Seuss}, publisher: {Beginner Books}, year: {1958}, place: {New York]}, } @Book{OL18387172M, title: {The cat in the hat}, author: {Dr. Seuss and Simon Mugford}, publisher: {HarperCollins}, year: {1985}, place: {[London]}, } @Book{OL23292667M, title: {Green Eggs and Ham (1988)}, author: {Dr. Seuss}, publisher: {Beginner Books (Div. of Random House, Inc.) In Canada by Random House of Canada Limited}, year: {1988}, place: {New York, USA and Toronto, Canada}, } @Book{OL23095999M, title: {Wacky Wednesday}, author: {Dr. Seuss}, publisher: {Beginner Books}, year: {2002}, place: {New York}, } @Work{OL261202W, title: {One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish}, author: {Dr. Seuss}, first_publish_year: {1960} } @Work{OL261155W, title: {The Lorax}, author: {Dr. Seuss}, first_publish_year: {1911} } @Work{OL261152W, title: {Dr. Seuss's ABC}, author: {Dr. Seuss}, first_publish_year: {1960} } @Work{OL1898276W, title: {Great Day for Up!}, author: {Dr. Seuss}, first_publish_year: {1974} } @Work{OL20942019W, title: {Dr Seuss on the loose}, author: {Dr. Seuss}, first_publish_year: {2011} } @Work{OL261159W, title: {Fox in Socks}, author: {Dr. Seuss}, first_publish_year: {1965} } @Work{OL9153112W, title: {Ten Apples Up on Top}, author: {Dr. Seuss}, first_publish_year: {1961} } @Work{OL24190035W, title: {Five of Dr. Seuss' best loved tales in one book}, author: {Dr. Seuss}, first_publish_year: {2015} } @Author{OL2622837A, name: {Dr. Seuss}, birth_date: {March 2, 1904} , death_date: {September 24, 1991} }