@Book{OL34516894M, title: {Frames of War}, author: {Judith Butler}, publisher: {Verso Books}, year: {2016}, } @Book{OL28940416M, title: {Tiamat's Wrath}, author: {James S. A. Corey}, publisher: {Orbit}, year: {2020}, } @Book{OL40133532M, title: {Memory's Legion}, author: {James S. A. Corey}, publisher: {Orbit}, year: {2023}, } @Book{OL46062543M, title: {Age of the City}, author: {Ian Goldin and Tom Lee-Devlin}, publisher: {Bloomsbury Publishing Plc}, year: {2023}, } @Book{OL48565907M, title: {Queer}, author: {Benno Gammerl}, publisher: {Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH}, year: {2023}, } @Book{OL25220618M, title: {You can't go home again}, author: {Thomas Wolfe}, publisher: {Scribner}, year: {2011}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL38900848M, title: {Leviathan Falls}, author: {James S. A. Corey}, publisher: {Orbit}, year: {2023}, } @Book{OL26768271M, title: {Babylon's Ashes (The Expanse)}, author: {James S. A. Corey}, publisher: {Orbit}, year: {2017}, } @Book{OL26753542M, title: {Persepolis Rising (The Expanse)}, author: {James S. A. Corey}, publisher: {Orbit}, year: {2018}, } @Book{OL7359957M, title: {Sons and Lovers}, author: {David Herbert Lawrence}, publisher: {Penguin Classics}, year: {2006}, } @Author{OL19964A, name: {David Herbert Lawrence}, birth_date: {1885} , death_date: {1930} }