@Book{OL805979M, title: {Wildside}, author: {Steven Gould}, publisher: {Tom Doherty Associates}, year: {1996}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1873804M, title: {The burden of proof}, author: {Scott Turow}, publisher: {Franklin Library}, year: {1990}, place: {Franklin Center, Pa}, } @Book{OL8053728M, title: {Jumper}, author: {Steven Gould}, publisher: {Tor Books}, year: {2007}, } @Book{OL2069026M, title: {Two-Part Invention: The Story of Marriage}, author: {Madeleine L'Engle}, publisher: {Farrar, Straus \& Giroux}, year: {1988}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL3674072M, title: {Ultimate punishment}, author: {Scott Turow}, publisher: {Farrar, Straus, and Giroux}, year: {2003}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL23242485M, title: {Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and me, Elizabeth}, author: {E. L. Konigsburg}, publisher: {Atheneum}, year: {1967}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL36361M, title: {Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds!}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke and Ian T. MacAuley}, publisher: {St. Martin's Press}, year: {1999}, place: {New York, NY}, } @Book{OL16975422M, title: {And the band played on}, author: {Randy Shilts}, publisher: {St. Martin's Press}, year: {2000}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL3580672M, title: {Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Script Book Season One Vol. 1 (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Script Book Season One \#1)}, author: {Joss Whedon}, publisher: {Pocket Books}, year: {2000}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL10723492M, title: {American nerd}, author: {Benjamin Nugent}, publisher: {Scribner}, year: {2008}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7537260M, title: {What's so funny?}, author: {Donald E. Westlake}, publisher: {Warner Books}, year: {2007}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1718806M, title: {Red Mars}, author: {Kim Stanley Robinson}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1993}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2838552M, title: {Third helpings}, author: {Calvin Trillin}, publisher: {Penguin Books}, year: {1984}, place: {New York, N.Y}, } @Book{OL14443309M, title: {Reversible errors}, author: {Scott Turow}, publisher: {Warner Books}, year: {2003}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24962027M, title: {Founders at work}, author: {Jessica Livingston}, publisher: {Apress}, year: {2007}, place: {Berkeley, CA}, } @Book{OL789245M, title: {Bloodchild and other stories}, author: {Octavia E. Butler and Janina Edwards and consonni and Arrate Hidalgo and Nadia Barkate and Butler}, publisher: {Four Walls Eight Windows}, year: {1995}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL15479330M, title: {Watchmen}, author: {Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons and John Higgins}, publisher: {DC Comics Inc.}, year: {1987}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1101816M, title: {An anthropologist on Mars}, author: {Oliver Sacks}, publisher: {Knopf}, year: {1995}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7351493M, title: {Longitude}, author: {Dava Sobel}, publisher: {Penguin (Non-Classics)}, year: {1996}, } @Book{OL7656554M, title: {The Thief Who Couldn't Sleep (An Evan Tanner Mystery)}, author: {Lawrence Block}, publisher: {Jove}, year: {1984}, } @Book{OL5989565M, title: {The Magic of Shirley Jackson}, author: {Shirley Jackson}, publisher: {Farrar, Straus and Giroux}, year: {1966}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL5186335M, title: {The Doonesbury chronicles}, author: {Garry B. Trudeau}, publisher: {Holt, Rinehart and Winston}, year: {1975}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL4571498M, title: {Stained glass}, author: {William F. Buckley}, publisher: {Doubleday}, year: {1978}, place: {Garden City, N.Y}, } @Book{OL5204271M, title: {The art of eating}, author: {M. F. K. Fisher}, publisher: {Vintage Books}, year: {1976}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2378580M, title: {Bad acts and guilty minds}, author: {Leo Katz}, publisher: {University of Chicago Press}, year: {1987}, place: {Chicago}, } @Book{OL16799045M, title: {The lost city of Z}, author: {David Grann and James Gray}, publisher: {Doubleday}, year: {2009}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL3685687M, title: {Travels}, author: {Michael Crichton}, publisher: {Perennial}, year: {2002}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL23246906M, title: {Summerland}, author: {Michael Chabon}, publisher: {Miramax Books/Hyperion Books for Children}, year: {2002}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24936498M, title: {Werewolves in their youth}, author: {Michael Chabon}, publisher: {Picador USA}, year: {2000}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL21661263M, title: {My master's robe}, author: {Thích Nhất Hạnh}, publisher: {Parallax Press}, year: {2002}, place: {Berkeley, Calif}, } @Book{OL24629791M, title: {The indispensable Calvin and Hobbes}, author: {Bill Watterson}, publisher: {Scholastic}, year: {1993}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL6047735M, title: {Cheaper by the Dozen}, author: {Frank B. Gilbreth, Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey}, publisher: {T.Y. Crowell Co.}, year: {1948}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL358222M, title: {Smoke and mirrors}, author: {Neil Gaiman and Richard Chizmar and William Peter Blatty and Kealan Patrick Burke and Brian Keene and Joe Hill and Joe R. Lansdale and Ray Garton}, publisher: {Avon Books}, year: {1998}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24703884M, title: {Ten little Indians}, author: {Sherman Alexie}, publisher: {Grove Press}, year: {2003}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2198567M, title: {Tales from the planet earth}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1990}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL999021M, title: {An omelette and a glass of wine}, author: {Elizabeth David}, publisher: {Lyons \& Burford}, year: {1997}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7289308M, title: {Freakonomics}, author: {Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner and Andrea Montero Cusset}, publisher: {William Morrow}, year: {2007}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL19786796M, title: {In memory yet green}, author: {Isaac Asimov}, publisher: {Avon}, year: {1980}, place: {New York, NY}, } @Book{OL9461245M, title: {Nine Tomorrows}, author: {Isaac Asimov}, publisher: {Del Rey}, year: {1985}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24376815M, title: {Danny Dunn, Invisible Boy}, author: {Jay Williams}, publisher: {Archway (Pocket Books)}, year: {1975}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL1866446M, title: {Isaac Asimov's treasury of humor}, author: {Isaac Asimov}, publisher: {Houghton Mifflin}, year: {1991}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL1743445M, title: {Among the thugs}, author: {Bill Buford}, publisher: {Vintage Departures}, year: {1993}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1406188M, title: {SeinLanguage}, author: {Jerry Seinfeld}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1993}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL5431834M, title: {Upstairs at the White House}, author: {J. B. West}, publisher: {Coward, McCann \& Geoghegan}, year: {1973}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL796155M, title: {Ill-gotten gains}, author: {Leo Katz and Leo Katz}, publisher: {University of Chicago Press}, year: {1996}, place: {Chicago}, } @Book{OL7451657M, title: {The new new thing}, author: {Michael Lewis}, publisher: {W. W. Norton}, year: {2000}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL18485393M, title: {Naked Pictures of Famous People}, author: {Jon Stewart}, publisher: {Perennial}, year: {2001}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL21368287M, title: {Meet the Austins}, author: {Madeleine L'Engle}, publisher: {Laurel Leaf}, year: {1981}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL3023337M, title: {Big secrets}, author: {William Poundstone}, publisher: {Quill}, year: {1983}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24206620M, title: {Eye of the needle}, author: {Ken Follett}, publisher: {New American Library}, year: {1979}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7825923M, title: {The Dreams of Reason}, author: {Heinz R. Pagels}, publisher: {Bantam}, year: {1989}, } @Book{OL1103072M, title: {Lost Moon}, author: {Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger}, publisher: {Houghton Mifflin}, year: {1994}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL6796938M, title: {The worst-case scenario survival handbook}, author: {Joshua Piven}, publisher: {Chronicle Books}, year: {2001}, place: {San Francisco}, } @Book{OL3402962M, title: {Don't try this at home}, author: {Kimberly Witherspoon and Andrew Friedman}, publisher: {Inkwell Management}, year: {2005}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7503440M, title: {Deep Thoughts}, author: {Jack Handey}, publisher: {Berkley Trade}, year: {1992}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL371855M, title: {The New Yorker book of business cartoons}, author: {Robert Mankoff}, publisher: {Bloomberg Press}, year: {1998}, place: {Princeton, NJ}, } @Book{OL17117090M, title: {The West Wing}, author: {Aaron Sorkin}, publisher: {Newmarket Press}, year: {2003}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL25383132M, title: {Scribble, scribble, scribble}, author: {Simon Schama}, publisher: {Ecco}, year: {2010}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL17205556M, title: {iWoz}, author: {Steve Wozniak and Steve Wozniak and Gina Smith}, publisher: {W.W. Norton \& Co.}, year: {2006}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL3315429M, title: {America (the book)}, author: {Jon Stewart and The Writers of The Daily Show}, publisher: {Warner Books}, year: {2004}, place: {New York, NY}, } @Book{OL6094944M, title: {Bulldozer}, author: {Stephen W. Meader}, publisher: {Harcourt, Brace}, year: {1951}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7642590M, title: {The New Yorker Cartoon Album}, author: {The New Yorker}, publisher: {Viking Adult}, year: {1985}, } @Book{OL5053787M, title: {Peace}, author: {Gene Wolfe}, publisher: {Harper \& Row}, year: {1975}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24206300M, title: {Eon}, author: {Greg Bear and Stefan Rudnicki}, publisher: {Tor}, year: {1986}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL20265610M, title: {The cartoon history of the modern world}, author: {Larry Gonick}, publisher: {Collins}, year: {2007}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL5595664M, title: {No way to treat a lady.}, author: {William Goldman}, publisher: {Harcourt, Brace \& World}, year: {1964}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL16650764M, title: {Marco Polo, if you can}, author: {William F. Buckley}, publisher: {Avon Books}, year: {1983}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL4584962M, title: {The wind from the sun}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, publisher: {Harcourt Brace Jovanovich}, year: {1972}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2210241M, title: {Travels with Alice}, author: {Calvin Trillin}, publisher: {Ticknor \& Fields}, year: {1989}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL3560602M, title: {It must've been something I ate}, author: {Jeffrey Steingarten}, publisher: {A.A. Knopf}, year: {2002}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7722662M, title: {Euclid's Window}, author: {Leonard Mlodinow}, publisher: {Free Press}, year: {2001}, } @Book{OL3792687M, title: {The people's Doonesbury}, author: {Garry B. Trudeau}, publisher: {Holt, Rinehart, and Winston}, year: {1981}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL15352945M, title: {The Arm of the Starfish}, author: {Madeleine L'Engle}, publisher: {Dell Publishing}, year: {1980}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL8363791M, title: {Brainiac}, author: {Ken Jennings}, publisher: {Villard}, year: {2006}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL792150M, title: {David Letterman's book of top ten lists and zesty lo-cal chicken recipes}, author: {David Letterman}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1995}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL10683122M, title: {The Flying Sorcerers}, author: {David Gerrold}, publisher: {Del Rey}, year: {1978}, } @Book{OL25905392M, title: {The rapture of the nerds}, author: {Cory Doctorow and Charles Stross}, publisher: {Tor}, year: {2013}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7357983M, title: {The Soul of a Chef}, author: {Michael Ruhlman}, publisher: {Penguin (Non-Classics)}, year: {2001}, } @Book{OL17107491M, title: {Presumed Innocent}, author: {Scott Turow}, publisher: {Warner Books}, year: {1988}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL3560324M, title: {Uncle Boris in the Yukon, and other shaggy dog stories}, author: {Daniel Manus Pinkwater}, publisher: {Harcourt}, year: {2002}, place: {San Diego}, } @Book{OL3439360M, title: {The producers}, author: {Mel Brooks}, publisher: {Talk Miramax Books}, year: {2001}, place: {New York, N.Y}, } @Book{OL7817313M, title: {If Death Ever Slept}, author: {Rex Stout}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1959}, } @Book{OL2038078M, title: {Eternity}, author: {Greg Bear}, publisher: {Warner Books}, year: {1988}, place: {New York, NY}, } @Book{OL4716962M, title: {A day in the life of Roger Angell}, author: {Roger Angell}, publisher: {Penguin Books}, year: {1978}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL18351186M, title: {The mother tongue}, author: {Bill Bryson}, publisher: {Avon Books}, year: {1991}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1714446M, title: {Some days you get the bear}, author: {Lawrence Block}, publisher: {W. Morrow}, year: {1993}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL3953067M, title: {Coyote v. Acme}, author: {Ian Frazier}, publisher: {Picador USA}, year: {2002}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2551600M, title: {The cartoon guide to U.S. history}, author: {Larry Gonick}, publisher: {Barnes \& Noble Books}, year: {1987}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2205137M, title: {Hype and glory}, author: {William Goldman}, publisher: {Villard Books}, year: {1990}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL4407854M, title: {Alice, let's eat}, author: {Calvin Trillin}, publisher: {Vintage Books}, year: {1979}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL3953690M, title: {Enough rope}, author: {Lawrence Block}, publisher: {W. Morrow}, year: {2002}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1105350M, title: {The diamond age}, author: {Neal Stephenson}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1995}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24960879M, title: {Sandkings}, author: {George R. R. Martin}, publisher: {Baen Books}, year: {1986}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1397255M, title: {Pleading guilty}, author: {Scott Turow}, publisher: {G.K. Hall}, year: {1993}, place: {Thorndike, Me}, } @Book{OL23115598M, title: {The Best American Science Writing 2006}, author: {Atul Gawande and Jesse Cohen}, publisher: {Ecco Press}, year: {2006}, place: {New York, NY}, } @Book{OL23042109M, title: {The Best American Science Writing 2001}, author: {Timothy Ferris and Jesse Cohen}, publisher: {Ecco Press}, year: {2001}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL22373486M, title: {The best American science writing 2003}, author: {Oliver Sacks and Jesse Cohen and Peter Canby and Charles C. Mann and Atul Gawande and Liza Mundy and Floyd Skloot and Frank Wilczek and Marcelo Gleiser and Natalie Angier and Margaret Wertheim and Jennifer Kahn and Michelle Nijhuis and Gunjan Sinha and Trevor Corson and Siddhartha Mukherjee and Michael Klesius and Susan Milius and Thomas Eisner and Lawrence Osborne and Brendan I. Koerner and Joseph D'Agnese and Danielle Ofri and Ronald Hoffman and Leonard Cassuto and Dennis Overbye and Richard C. Lewontin and Richard Levins}, publisher: {Ecco Press}, year: {2003}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL368171M, title: {Pure drivel}, author: {Steve Martin}, publisher: {Hyperion}, year: {1998}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL5797749M, title: {Buffalo and beaver.}, author: {Stephen W. Meader}, publisher: {Harcourt, Brace}, year: {1960}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7293503M, title: {Just for fun}, author: {Linus Torvalds and David Diamond - undifferentiated}, publisher: {HarperBusiness}, year: {2001}, place: {New York, NY}, } @Book{OL24224545M, title: {The worst-case scenario survival handbook.}, author: {Joshua Piven}, publisher: {Chronicle Books}, year: {2003}, place: {San Francisco, Calif}, } @Book{OL2744573M, title: {School is hell}, author: {Matt Groening}, publisher: {Pantheon Books}, year: {1987}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1896983M, title: {Fox trot}, author: {Bill Amend}, publisher: {Andrews and McMeel}, year: {1990}, place: {Kansas City}, } @Book{OL3424111M, title: {How to cheat your friends at poker}, author: {Penn Jillette and Mickey D. Lynn}, publisher: {St. Martin's Press}, year: {2005}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24965890M, title: {The inimitable Jeeves}, author: {P. G. Wodehouse}, publisher: {Overlook Press}, year: {2007}, place: {Woodstock, NY}, } @Book{OL24767651M, title: {The toughest Indian in the world}, author: {Sherman Alexie}, publisher: {Atlantic Monthly Press}, year: {2000}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1118104M, title: {Continue laughing}, author: {Carl Reiner}, publisher: {Carol Pub. Group}, year: {1995}, place: {Secaucus, N.J}, } @Book{OL24619865M, title: {Gambit}, author: {Rex Stout}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1973}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7823923M, title: {Too Many Cooks}, author: {Rex Stout}, publisher: {Crimeline}, year: {1988}, } @Book{OL24613971M, title: {Emperor of All Maladies}, author: {Siddhartha Mukherjee and Nessa Carey}, publisher: {Scribner}, year: {2010}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24369023M, title: {One man's meat}, author: {E. B. White}, publisher: {Harper}, year: {1944}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL5825023M, title: {Captain Newman, M.D.}, author: {Leo Calvin Rosten}, publisher: {Harper}, year: {1962}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2719315M, title: {The collected plays of Neil Simon}, author: {Neil Simon}, publisher: {New American Library}, year: {1986}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7829784M, title: {Zodiac}, author: {Neal Stephenson}, publisher: {Spectra}, year: {1995}, } @Book{OL7318655M, title: {Bringing Down the House}, author: {Ben Mezrich}, publisher: {Arrow Books}, year: {2004}, } @Book{OL3686901M, title: {My anecdotal life}, author: {Carl Reiner}, publisher: {Thorndike Press}, year: {2003}, place: {Waterville, Me}, } @Book{OL50554M, title: {The measure of her powers}, author: {M. F. K. Fisher}, publisher: {Counterpoint}, year: {1999}, place: {Washington, D.C}, } @Book{OL33663M, title: {The burglar in the rye}, author: {Lawrence Block}, publisher: {Thorndike Press}, year: {1999}, place: {Thorndike, Me}, } @Book{OL994355M, title: {David Letterman's new book of top ten lists and wedding dress patterns for the husky bride}, author: {David Letterman}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1996}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL19267289M, title: {Personal injuries}, author: {Scott Turow}, publisher: {HarperCollins}, year: {1999}, place: {Toronto}, } @Book{OL1740056M, title: {Deeper thoughts}, author: {Jack Handey}, publisher: {Hyperion}, year: {1993}, place: {New York, N.Y}, } @Book{OL1731382M, title: {All kinds of love}, author: {Carl Reiner}, publisher: {Carol Pub. Group}, year: {1993}, place: {Secaucus, N.J}, } @Book{OL1535377M, title: {The money culture}, author: {Michael Lewis}, publisher: {W.W. Norton}, year: {1991}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2056919M, title: {Leo Rosten's giant book of laughter.}, author: {Leo Calvin Rosten}, publisher: {Bonanza Books}, year: {1989}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2041524M, title: {The Silence of the Lambs}, author: {Thomas Harris}, publisher: {St. Martin's Press}, year: {1988}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL2744554M, title: {Hard laughter}, author: {Anne Lamott}, publisher: {North Point Press}, year: {1987}, place: {San Francisco}, } @Book{OL3184655M, title: {Gambling scams}, author: {Darwin Ortiz}, publisher: {Dodd, Mead}, year: {1984}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL22374330M, title: {Napalm \& silly putty}, author: {George Carlin}, publisher: {Hyperion}, year: {2002}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL8346481M, title: {The Best of Plimpton}, author: {George Plimpton}, publisher: {Atlantic Monthly Press}, year: {1994}, } @Book{OL24220663M, title: {Stormy}, author: {Jim Kjelgaard}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1986}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL5539660M, title: {Keep 'em rolling}, author: {Stephen W. Meader}, publisher: {Harcourt, Brace \& World}, year: {1967}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL5535287M, title: {The thing of it is ...}, author: {William Goldman}, publisher: {Harcourt Brace \& World}, year: {1967}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL5683342M, title: {The season}, author: {William Goldman}, publisher: {Harcourt, Brace \& World}, year: {1969}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL6514748M, title: {Behind the ranges}, author: {Stephen W. Meader}, publisher: {Harcourt Brace}, year: {1947}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL6407968M, title: {Clear for action!}, author: {Stephen W. Meader}, publisher: {Harcourt, Brace and company}, year: {1940}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7365920M, title: {The Education of H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N}, author: {Leo Calvin Rosten}, publisher: {Harvest/HBJ Book}, year: {1968}, } @Book{OL23274264M, title: {Hammered}, author: {Elizabeth Bear}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {2005}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL23272066M, title: {The confusion}, author: {Neal Stephenson and Simon Prebble and Katherine Kellgren and Kevin Pariseau}, publisher: {Morrow}, year: {2004}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24964335M, title: {The last lecture}, author: {Randy Pausch}, publisher: {Hyperion}, year: {2008}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24747604M, title: {King of the hills}, author: {Stephen W. Meader}, publisher: {Harcourt, Brace and Co.}, year: {1933}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL4908437M, title: {One L}, author: {Scott Turow}, publisher: {Putnam}, year: {1977}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24478391M, title: {At Home}, author: {Bill Bryson}, publisher: {Doubleday}, year: {2010}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL4556523M, title: {The first two lives of Lukas-Kasha}, author: {Lloyd Alexander}, publisher: {Dutton}, year: {1978}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL9508688M, title: {I am America (and so can you!)}, author: {Stephen Colbert}, publisher: {Grand Central Pub.}, year: {2007}, place: {[New York]}, } @Book{OL24816521M, title: {Unfamiliar fishes}, author: {Sarah Vowell}, publisher: {Riverhead Books}, year: {2011}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7581093M, title: {Dancing barefoot}, author: {Wil Wheaton}, publisher: {O'Reilly}, year: {2004}, place: {Sebastopol, CA}, } @Book{OL7949937M, title: {The West Wing}, publisher: {Pocket}, year: {2002}, } @Book{OL14414884M, title: {Adventures in the screen trade}, author: {William Goldman}, publisher: {Warner Books}, year: {1984}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL8698008M, title: {The Golden Rule of Schmoozing}, author: {Aye Jaye}, publisher: {Sourcebooks}, year: {1997}, } @Book{OL7663343M, title: {Late Night with David Letterman Book of Top Ten Lists}, author: {David Letterman}, publisher: {Pocket}, year: {1990}, } @Book{OL1876153M, title: {Enough's enough (and other rules of life)}, author: {Calvin Trillin}, publisher: {Ticknor \& Fields}, year: {1990}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL23054014M, title: {The collected stories of Arthur C. Clarke}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, publisher: {Tom Doherty Associates}, year: {2000}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL46380M, title: {Which lie did I tell?}, author: {William Goldman}, publisher: {Pantheon Books}, year: {2000}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2407523M, title: {The miracle of mindfulness}, author: {Thích Nhất Hạnh}, publisher: {Beacon Press}, year: {1987}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL23243534M, title: {Faster}, author: {James Gleick}, publisher: {Pantheon Books}, year: {1999}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL8097327M, title: {Comfort Me with Apples}, author: {Ruth Reichl}, publisher: {Thorndike Press}, year: {2001}, } @Work{OL16121311W, title: {Warm bodies}, author: {Isaac Marion}, first_publish_year: {2011} } @Work{OL14975175W, title: {Noisy Outlaws, Unfriendly Blobs, and Some Other Things . .}, author: {Ted Thompson and Eli Horowitz and Lemony Snicket and Nick Hornsby and George Saunders and Kelly Link and Richard Kennedy and Jon Scieszka and Sam Swope and Clement Freud and James Kochalka and Neil Gaiman and Jeanne DuPrau and Jonathan Safran Foer}, first_publish_year: {2005} } @Author{OL2722371A, name: {Ted Thompson}, } @Author{OL3103882A, name: {Eli Horowitz}, } @Author{OL20588A, name: {Lemony Snicket}, } @Author{OL8648825A, name: {Nick Hornsby }, } @Author{OL537475A, name: {George Saunders}, birth_date: {1958} } @Author{OL1425196A, name: {Kelly Link}, birth_date: {1969} } @Author{OL1268171A, name: {Richard Kennedy}, } @Author{OL25111A, name: {Jon Scieszka}, birth_date: {8 September 1954} } @Author{OL25469A, name: {Sam Swope}, } @Author{OL1012388A, name: {Clement Freud}, birth_date: {1924} } @Author{OL1439012A, name: {James Kochalka}, } @Author{OL53305A, name: {Neil Gaiman}, birth_date: {10 November 1960} } @Author{OL776499A, name: {Jeanne DuPrau}, birth_date: {1944} } @Author{OL1394901A, name: {Jonathan Safran Foer}, birth_date: {1977-02-21} }