@Book{OL8374713M, title: {Gods and Goddesses (Ancient Greece)}, author: {John Malam}, publisher: {Peter Bedrick}, year: {1999}, } @Book{OL6932020M, title: {People of Finland in archaic times}, author: {John Croumbie Brown}, publisher: {K. Paul, Trench, Trübner \& co., ltd.}, year: {1892}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL7759241M, title: {Rethinking Friendship}, author: {Liz Spencer and Ray Pahl}, publisher: {Princeton University Press}, year: {2006}, } @Book{OL26329110M, title: {Ateneum guide : from Isak Wacklin to Wäinö Aaltonen}, } @Book{OL7836775M, title: {Disney's Wonderful World of Knowledge (Year Book 1980)}, publisher: {Robert B Clarke}, year: {1980}, } @Work{OL6911027W, title: {The way to write}, author: {Rudolf Franz Flesch}, first_publish_year: {1947} } @Work{OL16050656W, title: {A new guide to better writing}, author: {Rudolf Flesch}, first_publish_year: {1963} } @Work{OL15423119W, title: {A new way to better English}, author: {Rudolf Flesch}, first_publish_year: {1958} } @Work{OL6911012W, title: {How to test readability}, author: {Rudolf Franz Flesch}, first_publish_year: {1951} } @Author{OL1912853A, name: {Rudolf Franz Flesch}, birth_date: {1911} }