@Book{OL7922636M, title: {Confessions of Emergency Room Doctors}, author: {Rocky Lang and Erick Montero}, publisher: {Andrews McMeel Publishing}, year: {2007}, } @Book{OL3579248M, title: {The beginner's guide to tai chi}, author: {Raymond Pawlett}, publisher: {Sterling Pub. Co.}, year: {2001}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2530809M, title: {The Bachman Books}, author: {Stephen King and Stephen King}, publisher: {New American Library}, year: {1985}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL22130312M, title: {Migraine}, author: {Oliver Sacks}, publisher: {Pan}, year: {1986}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL7826451M, title: {I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings}, author: {Maya Angelou}, publisher: {Bantam}, year: {1997}, } @Work{OL3535080W, title: {The relaxation \& stress reduction workbook}, author: {Davis, Martha}, first_publish_year: {1980} } @Work{OL5850536W, title: {The Paranoid's Pocket Guide to Mental Disorders You Can Just Feel Coming On}, author: {Dennis DiClaudio}, first_publish_year: {2007} } @Work{OL2745901W, title: {The atrocity exhibition}, author: {J. G. Ballard}, first_publish_year: {1970} } @Work{OL15692005W, title: {You're a Horrible Person, But I Like You}, author: {The Believer}, first_publish_year: {2010} } @Author{OL6892012A, name: {The Believer}, }