@Book{OL2411094M, title: {Language of the soul}, author: {Meredith L. Young-Sowers}, publisher: {Stillpoint Pub.}, year: {1987}, place: {Walpole, N.H}, } @Book{OL26336251M, title: {Love is letting go of fear}, author: {Gerald G. Jampolsky}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1970}, place: {Toronto}, } @Book{OL24220033M, title: {Sojourns of the soul}, author: {Kim Koenig and Kim D. Koenig and Robin O'Brien}, publisher: {Uni*Sun}, year: {1989}, place: {Kansas City, MO}, } @Book{OL24219200M, title: {Seeds of contemplation}, author: {Thomas Merton}, publisher: {Dell}, year: {1960}, place: {[New York]}, } @Work{OL1884578W, title: {The Teachings of Don Juan}, author: {Carlos Castaneda}, first_publish_year: {1968} } @Work{OL15464347W, title: {Drama des begabten Kindes}, author: {Alice Miller}, first_publish_year: {1981} } @Work{OL15151189W, title: {Saint Germain}, author: {Elizabeth Clare Prophet}, first_publish_year: {1990} } @Work{OL1854129W, title: {Mindstyles, lifestyles}, author: {Nathaniel Lande}, first_publish_year: {1976} } @Work{OL1844074W, title: {The courage to be yourself}, author: {Sue Patton Thoele}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Work{OL7869293W, title: {Agartha a Journey to the Stars}, author: {Meredith Young}, first_publish_year: {1984} } @Work{OL4804761W, title: {Create your own reality}, author: {Nancy Ashley}, first_publish_year: {1984} } @Author{OL1011457A, name: {Nancy Ashley}, }