@Book{OL24217110M, title: {The power of a praying wife}, author: {Stormie Omartian}, publisher: {Harvest House}, year: {2000}, place: {Eugene, Or}, } @Book{OL661972M, title: {The power of a praying wife}, author: {Stormie Omartian}, publisher: {Harvest House}, year: {1997}, place: {Eugene, Or}, } @Work{OL704254W, title: {Prayer}, author: {Kenneth Copeland}, first_publish_year: {1983} } @Work{OL15149602W, title: {Prayer evangelism}, author: {Ed Silvoso}, first_publish_year: {2000} } @Work{OL1808876W, title: {The power of a praying wife}, author: {Stormie Omartian}, first_publish_year: {1997} } @Work{OL16029509W, title: {Prayers of a godly woman}, author: {Jim Gallery}, first_publish_year: {2001} } @Work{OL15135204W, title: {Calling all intercessors}, author: {Mary Wales}, first_publish_year: {1984} } @Work{OL14859388W, title: {Becoming a woman of prayer}, author: {Cynthia Heald}, first_publish_year: {1996} } @Author{OL20978A, name: {Cynthia Heald}, }