@Book{OL24094371M, title: {Switch}, author: {Chip Heath}, publisher: {Broadway Books}, year: {2010}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL898194M, title: {Air disaster}, author: {Macarthur Job}, publisher: {Aerospace Publications}, year: {1994}, place: {Weston Creek, ACT}, } @Book{OL24896603M, title: {Crucial conversations}, author: {Kerry Patterson and Joseph Grenny and Ron McMillan and Al Switzler and Stephen R. Covey}, publisher: {McGraw-Hill}, year: {2012}, place: {New York}, } @Author{OL2636524A, name: {Kerry Patterson}, birth_date: {1946} } @Author{OL2636525A, name: {Joseph Grenny}, } @Author{OL2636526A, name: {Ron McMillan}, } @Author{OL2636527A, name: {Al Switzler}, } @Author{OL383159A, name: {Stephen R. Covey}, birth_date: {October 24, 1932} , death_date: {July 16, 2012} }