@Book{OL4915402M, title: {The politics of the family and other essays}, author: {R. D. Laing}, publisher: {Pantheon Books}, year: {1971}, place: {New York}, } @Work{OL74676W, title: {Portnoy's Complaint}, author: {Philip A. Roth}, first_publish_year: {1967} } @Work{OL6321038W, title: {Solving problems together}, author: {Hogie Wyckoff}, first_publish_year: {1980} } @Work{OL1593564W, title: {What do you say after you say hello?}, author: {Eric Berne}, first_publish_year: {1972} } @Work{OL604723W, title: {Born to win}, author: {Muriel James and Dorothy Jongeward}, first_publish_year: {1971} } @Work{OL7971394W, title: {Knots}, author: {R. D. Laing}, first_publish_year: {1972} } @Work{OL145038W, title: {The politics of the family}, author: {R. D. Laing}, first_publish_year: {1969} } @Work{OL2497175W, title: {The hero with a thousand faces}, author: {Joseph Campbell}, first_publish_year: {1949} } @Work{OL15154665W, title: {Transactional analysis in psychotherapy}, author: {Eric Berne}, first_publish_year: {1974} } @Work{OL23845W, title: {Contes de fées}, author: {Charles Perrault}, } @Work{OL8558701W, title: {Mannerisms of Speech and Gestures in Everyday Life}, author: {Sandov Feldman}, first_publish_year: {1969} } @Author{OL2869242A, name: {Sandov Feldman}, }