@Book{OL5903306M, title: {The use and misuse of language}, author: {S. I. Hayakawa}, publisher: {Fawcett Publications}, year: {1964}, place: {Greenwich, Conn}, } @Book{OL6249569M, title: {The general semantics of Wall Street.}, author: {Magee, John}, year: {1958}, place: {Springfield, Mass}, } @Book{OL6498960M, title: {People in quandaries}, author: {Johnson, Wendell}, publisher: {Harper \& brothers}, year: {1946}, place: {New York}, } @Work{OL15970279W, title: {Science and sanity}, author: {Alfred Korzybski}, first_publish_year: {1933} } @Work{OL15848546W, title: {The use and misuse of language}, author: {S. I. Hayakawa}, first_publish_year: {1964} } @Work{OL4814935W, title: {People in quandaries}, author: {Johnson, Wendell}, first_publish_year: {1946} } @Author{OL1014896A, name: {Johnson, Wendell}, birth_date: {1906} , death_date: {1965} }