@Book{OL2555500M, title: {Bond of perfection}, author: {Wendy M. Wright}, publisher: {Paulist Press}, year: {1985}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1868273M, title: {The Oxford dictionary of modern quotations}, author: {Tony Augarde}, publisher: {Oxford University Press}, year: {1991}, place: {Oxford [England]}, } @Book{OL17923964M, title: {The book of useless information}, author: {Noel Botham}, publisher: {Berkley Pub. Group}, year: {2006}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL971085M, title: {Thoughts on prosperity.}, author: {Forbes Magazine}, publisher: {Triumph Books}, year: {1996}, place: {Chicago, Ill}, } @Book{OL2028481M, title: {Crime and the American press}, author: {Roy Lotz}, publisher: {Praeger}, year: {1991}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL43271M, title: {Words to live by}, author: {Mary Engelbreit}, publisher: {Andrews McMeel Pub.}, year: {1999}, place: {Kansas City, Mo}, } @Book{OL2846009M, title: {Facts on File pocket guide to the world}, author: {Stonehouse, Bernard.}, publisher: {Facts on File}, year: {1985}, place: {New York, N.Y}, } @Book{OL460239M, title: {The new Robert's rules of order}, author: {Mary Ann De Vries}, publisher: {Signet}, year: {1998}, place: {New York}, } @Work{OL81294W, title: {Women in Love}, author: {David Herbert Lawrence}, first_publish_year: {1877} } @Work{OL81205W, title: {Poems}, author: {David Herbert Lawrence}, first_publish_year: {1913} } @Work{OL114028W, title: {The geography of witchcraft}, author: {Montague Summers}, first_publish_year: {1927} } @Work{OL81278W, title: {Apocalypse}, author: {David Herbert Lawrence}, first_publish_year: {1931} } @Work{OL81287W, title: {The Lost Girl}, author: {David Herbert Lawrence}, first_publish_year: {1920} } @Work{OL114023W, title: {A Gothic bibliography}, author: {Montague Summers}, first_publish_year: {1939} } @Work{OL9346524W, title: {The History of Witchcraft and Demonology}, author: {Montague Summers}, first_publish_year: {1926} } @Work{OL114031W, title: {Witchcraft and black magic}, author: {Montague Summers}, first_publish_year: {1945} } @Work{OL114020W, title: {The physical phenomena of mysticism}, author: {Montague Summers}, first_publish_year: {1950} } @Work{OL114024W, title: {A popular history of witchcraft}, author: {Montague Summers}, first_publish_year: {1937} } @Author{OL32604A, name: {Montague Summers}, birth_date: {1880} , death_date: {1948} }