@Book{OL33072891M, title: {Mrs. Beeton's book of household management}, author: {Mrs. Beeton}, publisher: {Ward, Lock, \& Co. ...}, year: {1906}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL7190915M, title: {Simple cooking of wholesome food for the farm home}, author: {Jessie Pinning Rich}, publisher: {University of Texas}, year: {1913}, place: {Austin, Tex}, } @Work{OL3942738W, title: {The Virginia housewife}, author: {Mary Randolph}, first_publish_year: {1824} } @Work{OL7744672W, title: {Home drying manual for vegetables and fruits, 1917}, author: {National War Garden Commission}, first_publish_year: {1917} } @Work{OL24880616W, title: {Modern cookery, in all its branches}, author: {Eliza Acton}, first_publish_year: {1845} } @Work{OL16533685W, title: {Home canning and drying of vegetables and fruits ...}, author: {National War Garden Commission}, first_publish_year: {1918} } @Work{OL15243521W, title: {War food}, author: {Amy L. Handy}, first_publish_year: {1917} } @Work{OL6851121W, title: {The modern cook}, author: {Vincent La Chapelle}, first_publish_year: {1733} } @Work{OL7110509W, title: {Apicius redivivus}, author: {William Kitchiner}, first_publish_year: {1817} } @Work{OL15670023W, title: {Manual for home storage, pickling, fermentation and salting vegetables}, author: {National War Garden Commission}, first_publish_year: {1917} } @Work{OL17696949W, title: {A modern system of domestic cookery, or, The housekeeper's guide}, author: {M. Radcliffe}, first_publish_year: {1823} } @Work{OL16533684W, title: {The home preservation of fruits and vegetables}, author: {Lilian Peek}, first_publish_year: {1918} } @Work{OL16522919W, title: {Modern cookery in all its branches}, first_publish_year: {1860} }