@Book{OL18937344M, title: {Fahrenheit 451}, author: {Ray Bradbury}, publisher: {Ballantine Books}, year: {1979}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2210425M, title: {Nemesis}, author: {Isaac Asimov}, publisher: {Doubleday}, year: {1989}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL10266022M, title: {War Of The Worlds}, author: {H. G. Wells}, publisher: {Grosset \& Dunlap}, year: {1978}, } @Book{OL2216454M, title: {Beyond the Fall of Night}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, publisher: {Putnam}, year: {1990}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL4955652M, title: {The small assassin}, author: {Ray Bradbury}, publisher: {Panther}, year: {1976}, place: {St. Albans}, } @Book{OL15200007M, title: {Count Zero}, author: {William Gibson}, publisher: {Berkley Publishing Group}, year: {1987}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL13546815M, title: {Something wicked this way comes}, author: {Ray Bradbury}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1983}, place: {Toronto}, } @Work{OL59722W, title: {The past through tomorrow}, author: {Robert A. Heinlein}, first_publish_year: {1967} } @Work{OL59719W, title: {Sixth Column}, author: {Robert A. Heinlein}, first_publish_year: {1999} } @Work{OL59732W, title: {Citizen of the Galaxy}, author: {Robert A. Heinlein}, first_publish_year: {2001} } @Work{OL59729W, title: {The Puppet Masters}, author: {Robert A. Heinlein}, first_publish_year: {1951} } @Work{OL59741W, title: {Stranger in a Strange Land}, author: {Robert A. Heinlein}, first_publish_year: {1961} } @Work{OL59694W, title: {The notebooks of Lazarus Long}, author: {Robert A. Heinlein}, first_publish_year: {1974} } @Work{OL59863W, title: {The Dispossessed}, author: {Ursula K. Le Guin}, first_publish_year: {1974} } @Work{OL46385W, title: {The Currents of Space}, author: {Isaac Asimov and Isaac Asimov}, first_publish_year: {1952} } @Work{OL52250W, title: {Short stories}, author: {H. G. Wells}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL467291W, title: {Planet of the Damned}, author: {Harry Harrison}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL41495W, title: {A Wrinkle in Time}, author: {Madeleine L'Engle}, first_publish_year: {1962} } @Work{OL49535W, title: {Maps in a Mirror}, author: {Orson Scott Card}, first_publish_year: {1990} } @Work{OL260430W, title: {The Year's Best Science Fiction}, author: {Gardner R. Dozois}, first_publish_year: {1998} } @Work{OL893516W, title: {Children of Dune}, author: {Frank Herbert}, first_publish_year: {1976} } @Work{OL64468W, title: {Brave New World}, author: {Aldous Huxley}, first_publish_year: {1932} } @Work{OL473476W, title: {Star Born}, author: {Andre Norton}, first_publish_year: {1957} } @Work{OL59735W, title: {Podkayne of Mars}, author: {Robert A. Heinlein}, first_publish_year: {1960} } @Work{OL52211W, title: {Tales of space and time}, author: {H. G. Wells}, first_publish_year: {1899} } @Work{OL46875W, title: {The Terminal Man}, author: {Michael Crichton}, first_publish_year: {1972} } @Work{OL46917W, title: {Sphere}, author: {Michael Crichton and Jacques Polanis}, first_publish_year: {1980} } @Work{OL59740W, title: {Starship Troopers}, author: {Robert A. Heinlein}, first_publish_year: {1959} } @Work{OL59733W, title: {The Door into Summer}, author: {Robert A. Heinlein}, first_publish_year: {1957} } @Work{OL59710W, title: {Space Cadet}, author: {Robert A. Heinlein}, first_publish_year: {1948} } @Work{OL59724W, title: {Beyond This Horizon}, author: {Robert A. Heinlein}, first_publish_year: {1948} } @Work{OL59718W, title: {Starman Jones}, author: {Robert A. Heinlein}, first_publish_year: {1953} } @Work{OL893526W, title: {Dune Messiah}, author: {Frank Herbert and Michel Demuth}, first_publish_year: {1969} } @Work{OL17415W, title: {Childhood’s End}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, first_publish_year: {1953} } @Work{OL64225W, title: {Works (Buried Talents / Dance of the Dead / Dress of White Silk / From Shadowed Places / I Am Legend / Mad House / Person to Person / Prey / The Funeral / The Near Departed / Witch War)}, author: {Richard Matheson}, first_publish_year: {1970} } @Work{OL103134W, title: {The Martian Chronicles}, author: {Ray Bradbury}, first_publish_year: {1950} } @Work{OL17365W, title: {2001}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, first_publish_year: {1968} } @Work{OL52260W, title: {The First Men in the Moon}, author: {H. G. Wells}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL52267W, title: {The Time Machine}, author: {H. G. Wells}, first_publish_year: {1895} } @Work{OL51145W, title: {It Can't Happen Here}, author: {Sinclair Lewis}, first_publish_year: {1935} } @Work{OL731735W, title: {Atlas Shrugged}, author: {Ayn Rand}, first_publish_year: {1936} } @Work{OL17416W, title: {Islands in the Sky}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke and Charles Carroll}, first_publish_year: {1952} } @Work{OL59858W, title: {The Lathe of Heaven}, author: {Ursula K. Le Guin}, first_publish_year: {1971} } @Work{OL2779807W, title: {In the wet}, author: {Nevil Shute}, first_publish_year: {1953} } @Work{OL74485W, title: {The Scarlet Plague}, author: {Jack London}, first_publish_year: {1910} } @Work{OL2172531W, title: {Galactic pot-healer}, author: {Philip K. Dick}, first_publish_year: {1969} } @Work{OL17406W, title: {The Sands of Mars}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, first_publish_year: {1951} } @Work{OL46402W, title: {Pebble in the Sky}, author: {Isaac Asimov}, first_publish_year: {1950} } @Work{OL46398W, title: {The Naked Sun}, author: {Isaac Asimov}, first_publish_year: {1954} } @Work{OL46401W, title: {The Caves of Steel}, author: {Isaac Asimov}, first_publish_year: {1953} } @Work{OL81618W, title: {The Stand}, author: {Stephen King}, first_publish_year: {1978} } @Work{OL41494W, title: {A Wind in the Door (Time Quintet \#2}, author: {Madeleine L'Engle}, first_publish_year: {1973} } @Work{OL49640W, title: {A War of Gifts}, author: {Orson Scott Card}, first_publish_year: {2006} } @Work{OL16239881W, title: {Shadows in flight}, author: {Orson Scott Card}, first_publish_year: {2012} } @Work{OL49653W, title: {Treason}, author: {Orson Scott Card}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Work{OL473477W, title: {The Time Traders}, author: {Andre Norton}, first_publish_year: {1958} } @Work{OL810402W, title: {The House on the Borderland}, author: {William Hope Hodgson}, first_publish_year: {1946} } @Work{OL46172W, title: {Prelude to Foundation}, author: {Isaac Asimov}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Work{OL98487W, title: {Mother Night}, author: {Kurt Vonnegut}, first_publish_year: {1961} } @Work{OL17417W, title: {Rendezvous with Rama}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, first_publish_year: {1973} } @Work{OL46399W, title: {The Stars, Like Dust}, author: {Isaac Asimov and Stephen Thorne}, first_publish_year: {1951} } @Work{OL52253W, title: {The war in the air}, author: {H. G. Wells}, first_publish_year: {1908} } @Work{OL52256W, title: {A Modern Utopia}, author: {H. G. Wells}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL52252W, title: {In the days of the comet}, author: {H. G. Wells}, first_publish_year: {1906} } @Work{OL49628W, title: {Masterpieces}, author: {Orson Scott Card and Poul Anderson and Robert A. Heinlein and Lloyd Biggle Jr and Theodore Sturgeon and Isaac Asimov and Edmond Hamilton and Arthur C. Clarke and James Blish and Ray Bradbury and Harlan Ellison and R. A. Lafferty and Robert Silverberg and Frederik Pohl and Brian W. Aldiss and Ursula K. Le Guin and Larry Niven and George R. R. Martin and Harry Turtledove and William Gibson and Michael Swanwick and Karen Joy Fowler and C. J. Cherryh and James Patrick Kelly and Terry Bisson and John Kessel and Lisa Goldstein and George Alec Effinger}, first_publish_year: {2001} } @Work{OL46374W, title: {Nightfall}, author: {Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg}, first_publish_year: {1969} } @Work{OL1911336W, title: {The Day of the Triffids}, author: {John Wyndham and Marcel Battin and Cover by Andy Bridge and Catalina Martinez Munoz}, first_publish_year: {1951} } @Work{OL16518W, title: {Eon}, author: {Greg Bear and Stefan Rudnicki}, first_publish_year: {1985} } @Work{OL46377W, title: {The Robots of Dawn}, author: {Isaac Asimov}, first_publish_year: {1983} } @Work{OL17396W, title: {Reach for Tomorrow}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, first_publish_year: {1956} } @Work{OL52246W, title: {The Shape of Things to Come}, author: {H. G. Wells}, first_publish_year: {1933} } @Work{OL46347W, title: {Foundation and Earth}, author: {Isaac Asimov}, first_publish_year: {1986} } @Work{OL17207142W, title: {Earth Afire}, author: {Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston}, first_publish_year: {2013} } @Work{OL46178W, title: {Robots and Empire}, author: {Isaac Asimov}, first_publish_year: {1985} } @Work{OL109524W, title: {Solaris}, author: {Stanisław Lem}, first_publish_year: {1962} } @Work{OL90571W, title: {Tau Zero}, author: {Poul Anderson}, first_publish_year: {1970} } @Work{OL98488W, title: {Breakfast of Champions}, author: {Kurt Vonnegut}, first_publish_year: {1973} } @Work{OL263030W, title: {Glide Path}, author: {Arthur C. Clarke}, first_publish_year: {1963} } @Work{OL49662W, title: {The Abyss}, author: {Orson Scott Card}, first_publish_year: {1989} } @Work{OL473474W, title: {Key Out of Time}, author: {Andre Norton}, first_publish_year: {1963} } @Work{OL96208W, title: {Darkness and Dawn}, author: {George Allan England}, first_publish_year: {1914} } @Work{OL473473W, title: {Storm over Warlock}, author: {Andre Norton and Jim Roberts}, first_publish_year: {1960} } @Work{OL98484W, title: {Player Piano}, author: {Kurt Vonnegut}, first_publish_year: {1952} } @Work{OL98485W, title: {The Sirens of Titan}, author: {Kurt Vonnegut}, first_publish_year: {1959} } @Work{OL15331302W, title: {The Mote in God's Eye}, author: {Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle and L.J. Ganser}, first_publish_year: {1974} } @Work{OL3521966W, title: {Stand on Zanzibar}, author: {John Brunner}, first_publish_year: {1968} } @Work{OL60943W, title: {The Space Merchants}, author: {Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth}, first_publish_year: {1952} } @Work{OL16519W, title: {Moving Mars}, author: {Greg Bear}, first_publish_year: {1993} } @Work{OL892520W, title: {Non-Stop}, author: {Brian W. Aldiss}, first_publish_year: {1958} } @Work{OL3524160W, title: {K-Pax}, author: {Gene Brewer}, first_publish_year: {1995} } @Work{OL16585661W, title: {Earth Unaware}, author: {Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston}, first_publish_year: {2012} } @Work{OL17352W, title: {Saucer}, author: {Stephen Coonts}, first_publish_year: {2002} } @Work{OL2981506W, title: {Looking Backward, 2000-1887}, author: {Edward Bellamy}, first_publish_year: {1888} } @Author{OL456362A, name: {Edward Bellamy}, birth_date: {1850} , death_date: {1898} }