@Book{OL7603170M, title: {The Two Towers}, author: {J.R.R. Tolkien}, publisher: {Houghton Mifflin}, year: {1994}, place: {Boston, USA}, } @Book{OL24375683M, title: {The Buddha in the robot}, author: {Masahiro Mori}, publisher: {Kosei Publishing}, year: {1985}, place: {Tokyo}, } @Book{OL9812066M, title: {A Clockwork Orange}, author: {Anthony Burgess}, publisher: {Ballantine Books}, year: {1977}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL18197827M, title: {Bridge to Terabithia}, author: {Katherine Paterson and Katherine Paterson}, publisher: {Avon Camelot}, year: {1978}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1187067M, title: {Foundation}, author: {Isaac Asimov}, publisher: {Ballantine Books}, year: {1989}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL5680150M, title: {Personal space; the behavioral basis of design.}, author: {Robert Sommer}, publisher: {Prentice-Hall}, year: {1969}, place: {Englewood Cliffs, N.J}, } @Book{OL5544228M, title: {The annotated Sherlock Holmes}, author: {Arthur Conan Doyle}, publisher: {C. N. Potter; Distributed by Crown Publishers}, year: {1967}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24340643M, title: {The paradise within the reach of all men, without labour, by powers of nature and machinery}, author: {J. A. Etzler}, publisher: {John Brooks}, year: {1836}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL22105302M, title: {The jungle}, author: {Upton Sinclair}, publisher: {New American Library}, year: {1980}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL6527590M, title: {Spiritualism and necromancy}, author: {A. B. Morrison}, publisher: {Hitchcock and Walden}, year: {1873}, place: {Cincinnati}, } @Book{OL14004121M, title: {Die Aromunen}, author: {Gustav Ludwig Weigand}, publisher: {J.A. Barth}, year: {1894}, place: {Leipzig}, } @Book{OL7128543M, title: {Persian literature.}, author: {Claud Field}, publisher: {Herbert [and] Daniel}, year: {1912}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL7210952M, title: {What is art?}, author: {Лев Толстой}, publisher: {Funk \& Wagnalls}, year: {1904}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7096009M, title: {An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations.}, author: {Adam Smith}, publisher: {Printed for A. Strahan [et al]}, year: {1799}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL23328461M, title: {The Raghuvamsa of Kalidasa}, author: {Klidsa}, publisher: {P.S. Rege}, year: {1922}, place: {Bombay}, } @Work{OL106076W, title: {The confidential agent}, author: {Graham Greene}, first_publish_year: {1939} } @Author{OL20243A, name: {Graham Greene}, birth_date: {2 October 1904} , death_date: {3 April 1991} }