@Work{OL629046W, title: {Misère de la philosophie}, author: {Karl Marx}, first_publish_year: {1895} } @Work{OL39081W, title: {The rescue}, author: {Joseph Conrad}, first_publish_year: {1920} } @Work{OL240337W, title: {Celtic Fairy Tales}, author: {Joseph Jacobs}, first_publish_year: {1892} } @Work{OL7095112W, title: {The book of tea}, author: {Okakura Kakuzo}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL2895536W, title: {Carmilla}, author: {Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu}, first_publish_year: {1871} } @Work{OL8721462W, title: {Great Expectations}, author: {Charles Dickens}, first_publish_year: {1861} } @Work{OL5036950W, title: {The white goddess}, author: {Robert Graves}, first_publish_year: {1920} } @Work{OL834011W, title: {The myth of the state}, author: {Ernst Cassirer}, first_publish_year: {1946} } @Work{OL74130W, title: {Screaming with joy}, author: {Graham Caveney}, first_publish_year: {1999} } @Work{OL628867W, title: {Collected Works}, author: {Karl Marx}, first_publish_year: {1986} } @Work{OL2986539W, title: {American scream}, author: {Jonah Raskin}, first_publish_year: {2004} } @Work{OL240336W, title: {Indian Fairy Tales}, author: {Joseph Jacobs and John D Batten and Gloria Cardew and Joseph JACOBS and Joseph Jacobs and Aberdeen Press and Jacobs, Ed, Joseph and John Dickson Batten and Joseph Joseph Jacobs}, first_publish_year: {1892} } @Work{OL16446907W, title: {Beat poets}, author: {Carmela Ciuraru}, first_publish_year: {2002} } @Work{OL16987350W, title: {Beat poets}, author: {Rosemary M. Canfield Reisman}, first_publish_year: {2012} } @Work{OL1852054W, title: {When I Was Cool}, author: {Sam Kashner}, first_publish_year: {2004} } @Work{OL44987W, title: {A Pair of Blue Eyes}, author: {Thomas Hardy}, first_publish_year: {1800} } @Work{OL362672W, title: {Venus and Adonis}, author: {William Shakespeare and Hafid Bouazza and Marlene Dumas}, first_publish_year: {1593} } @Work{OL2974552W, title: {Chimera}, author: {John Barth}, first_publish_year: {1972} } @Work{OL1866775W, title: {Kant}, author: {Robert Paul Wolff}, first_publish_year: {1967} } @Work{OL2123358W, title: {The attaché, or, Sam Slick in England}, author: {Thomas Chandler Haliburton}, first_publish_year: {1800} } @Work{OL88636W, title: {The ethics of the dust}, author: {John Ruskin}, first_publish_year: {1800} } @Work{OL6103710W, title: {Life and letters of Thomas Campbell}, author: {Beattie, William}, first_publish_year: {1849} } @Author{OL1553882A, name: {Beattie, William}, birth_date: {1793} , death_date: {1875} }