@Book{OL25440550M, title: {Capital in the twenty-first century}, author: {Thomas Piketty}, publisher: {The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press}, year: {2014}, } @Work{OL3469471W, title: {Utopian essays and practical proposals}, author: {Paul Goodman}, } @Work{OL76827W, title: {The Wealth of Nations}, author: {Adam Smith}, } @Work{OL71731W, title: {The fateful triangle}, author: {Noam Chomsky}, } @Work{OL8633721W, title: {Parecon}, author: {Michael Albert and Michael Albert and Ana Varela Mateos}, } @Work{OL14909099W, title: {Debt}, author: {David Graeber}, } @Work{OL15834292W, title: {9-11}, author: {Noam Chomsky}, } @Work{OL71706W, title: {Year 501}, author: {Noam Chomsky}, } @Work{OL16814568W, title: {Le capital au XXIe siècle}, author: {Thomas Piketty}, } @Work{OL17785451W, title: {The Establishment}, author: {Owen Peter Jones}, } @Work{OL2772026W, title: {Women and economics}, author: {Charlotte Perkins Gilman}, } @Work{OL15844788W, title: {Reagan}, author: {Lou Cannon}, } @Work{OL3065904W, title: {Arguments for democracy}, author: {Tony Benn}, } @Work{OL71729W, title: {Language and mind}, author: {Noam Chomsky}, } @Work{OL17339159W, title: {Trekonomics}, author: {Manu Saadia}, } @Work{OL3065917W, title: {Parliament, people, and power}, author: {Tony Benn}, } @Work{OL1164998W, title: {Individualism and economic order}, author: {Friedrich A. von Hayek}, } @Work{OL8099747W, title: {The Fatal Conceit}, author: {Friedrich A. von Hayek}, } @Work{OL5596349W, title: {The revolution}, author: {Ron Paul}, } @Work{OL17994032W, title: {Who governs?}, author: {Robert Alan Dahl}, } @Work{OL6472616W, title: {Utopia}, author: {Ian Tod and Wheeler Michael}, } @Work{OL71730W, title: {Turning the tide}, author: {Noam Chomsky}, } @Author{OL31676A, name: {Noam Chomsky}, birth_date: {7 December 1928} }