@Book{OL28545530M, title: {Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian}, author: {Sherman Alexie}, publisher: {Andersen Press}, year: {2015}, } @Book{OL28654128M, title: {Ghost Boys}, author: {Jewell Parker Rhodes}, publisher: {Little, Brown Books for Young Readers}, year: {2019}, } @Book{OL27189613M, title: {Out of darkness}, author: {Ashley Hope PĂ©rez}, publisher: {Carolrhoda Lab}, year: {2015}, place: {Minneapolis}, } @Book{OL23999187M, title: {The Bluest Eye}, author: {Toni Morrison}, publisher: {Plume}, year: {1994}, } @Work{OL17714701W, title: {The Hate U Give}, author: {Angie Thomas}, first_publish_year: {2017} } @Work{OL19664084W, title: {Separate is never equal}, author: {Duncan Tonatiuh}, first_publish_year: {2014} } @Author{OL6506491A, name: {Duncan Tonatiuh}, }