@Book{OL17865556M, title: {Essential biology with physiology}, author: {Neil Alexander Campbell and Jane B. Reece and Eric J. Simon}, publisher: {Pearson/Benjamin Cummings}, year: {2007}, place: {San Francisco, CA}, } @Book{OL12063818M, title: {Gravity (Science for Kids)}, author: {Neil Ardley}, publisher: {Allen \& Unwin}, year: {1992}, } @Book{OL19048216M, title: {Children's first encyclopaedia.}, author: {Neil Morris}, publisher: {Parragon}, year: {2001}, place: {Bath}, } @Book{OL11313119M, title: {Exploring the Universe}, author: {Neil Ardley}, publisher: {Silver Burdett Press}, year: {1990}, } @Book{OL10251516M, title: {Destination}, author: {Seymour Simon}, publisher: {Scholastic}, year: {2003}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL9461428M, title: {ScienceWorks for Kids}, author: {Jo Ellen Moor}, publisher: {Evan-Moor Educational Publishers}, year: {1998}, } @Book{OL1876053M, title: {The science book of light}, author: {Neil Ardley}, publisher: {Harcourt Brace Jovanovich}, year: {1991}, place: {San Diego}, } @Book{OL3189164M, title: {Simple chemistry}, author: {Neil Ardley}, publisher: {F. Watts}, year: {1984}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL1419779M, title: {Dictionary of science}, author: {Neil Ardley}, publisher: {Dorling Kindersley}, year: {1994}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL1115971M, title: {The kids' science book}, author: {Robert Hirschfeld}, publisher: {Williamson Pub.}, year: {1995}, place: {Charlotte, Vt}, } @Author{OL382605A, name: {Robert Hirschfeld}, birth_date: {1942} }