@Book{OL24150495M, title: {The Japanese fairy book}, author: {Yei Theodora Ozaki}, publisher: {E. P. Dutton}, year: {1903}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL14650871M, title: {Shakespeare adaptations}, author: {John Dryden and William D'Avenant and Thomas Duffett and Nahum Tate and William Shakespeare}, publisher: {Jonathan Cape}, year: {1922}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL23316290M, title: {The lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament}, author: {Montague Rhodes James}, publisher: {Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge}, year: {1920}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL23448692M, title: {Others, an Anthology of the New Verse}, author: {Alfred Kreymborg}, publisher: {A. A. Knopf}, year: {1916}, } @Book{OL6919721M, title: {Mimes}, author: {Marcel Schwob}, publisher: {T.B. Mosher}, year: {1901}, place: {Portland, Me}, } @Book{OL7046560M, title: {The Satyricon}, author: {Petronius Arbiter}, publisher: {Printed for private circulation}, year: {1899}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL6907929M, title: {Richard Steele}, author: {Sir Richard Steele}, publisher: {T.F. Unwin}, year: {1894}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL7041654M, title: {The weird Orient}, author: {Henry Iliowizi}, publisher: {H.T. Coates and Company}, year: {1900}, place: {Philadelphia}, } @Book{OL7104316M, title: {Stoics and sceptics}, author: {Edwyn Robert Bevan}, publisher: {Clarendon Press}, year: {1913}, place: {Oxford}, } @Book{OL23282114M, title: {The book-lovers' anthology}, author: {R. M. Leonard and Robert Maynard Leonard}, publisher: {H. Frowde}, year: {1911}, place: {London, New York [etc.]}, } @Book{OL24871157M, title: {A history of England under the Anglo-Saxon kings}, author: {Johann Martin Lappenberg}, publisher: {J. 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Syms}, publisher: {American Book Co.}, year: {1903}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7160579M, title: {Masterpieces of Latin literature}, author: {Gordon Jennings Laing}, publisher: {Houghton, Mifflin and company}, year: {1903}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL7030238M, title: {The Shakespeare apocrypha}, author: {C.F. Tucker Brooke and William Shakespeare and Thomas Middleton and John Fletcher}, publisher: {Clarendon Press}, year: {1908}, place: {Oxford}, } @Book{OL7180536M, title: {The Dryden anthology}, author: {Edward Arber}, publisher: {H. Frowde}, year: {1899}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL14034947M, title: {Poland.}, author: {William Richard Morfill}, publisher: {Unwin}, year: {1893}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL7105158M, title: {The golden asse of Lucius Apuleius}, author: {Apuleius and Werner Krenkel}, publisher: {Chapman \& Dodd}, year: {1922}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL24625112M, title: {Fables respecting the Popes of the Middle Ages, a contribution to Ecclesiastical history}, author: {Johann Joseph Ignaz von Döllinger}, publisher: {Rivingtons}, year: {1871}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL20431533M, title: {The Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius ...}, author: {Juvenal}, publisher: {Bell \& Daldy}, year: {1871}, } @Book{OL7201777M, title: {Such nonsense!}, author: {Carolyn Wells}, publisher: {George H. 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Borders}, publisher: {The Abbey Press}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL13503555M, title: {The essayes of Michael, lord of Montaigne}, author: {Michel de Montaigne}, publisher: {H. Frowde, Oxford University Press}, year: {1910}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL7224485M, title: {A French reader}, author: {Fred Davis Aldrich}, publisher: {Ginn}, year: {1903}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL7031997M, title: {The silver age of Latin literature from Tiberius to Trajan.}, author: {Walter C. Summers}, publisher: {Methuen}, year: {1920}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL7023067M, title: {A French reader}, author: {Hugh A. Smith}, publisher: {H. 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